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Wolmarans at first smiled superciliously, then turned and addressed a remark to one of his colleagues, shrugging his shoulder at the same time, and at the conclusion of the reference looked across the room to where the jurymen sat, still smiling and shaking his head slowly and continuously for half a minute.

I trust that your worthy aunt hath no cause for complaint. Mistress Lambert is your aunt?" he added superciliously, "is she not?" "That is nothing to thee," muttered the other, "if she be my aunt or no, as far as I can see." "Surely not. I asked in a spirit of polite inquiry." But apparently this subject was one which had more than any other the power to rouse the blacksmith's savage temper.

Owen raised his eyebrows superciliously. "My good man, what are you talking about? If you know anything about Mrs. Rose be kind enough to tell us at once what it is, but please remember she is not Toni to you." "Oh, isn't she?" Beneath the weight of conflicting emotions Mr. Dowson was losing his head. "Well, she was going to be, that's all.

Despite its abominable condition, the road was alive with traffic: droves of buffalo, black, ungainly, broad-horned beasts, their elephant-like hides caked with yellow mud; woolly waves of sheep and goats driven by wild mountain herdsmen in high fur caps and gaudy sashes; caravans of camels, swinging superciliously past on padded feet, laden with supplies for the interior or salvaged war material for the coast; clumsy carts, painted in strange designs and screaming colors, with great sharpened stakes which looked as though they were intended for purposes of torture, but whose real duty is to keep the top-heavy loads in place.

Never let yourself indulge in silly repinings or ruinous longings. Make the best of what you have. Study your husband, not ungenerously and superciliously, but with eyes determined to see the virtues that can be developed, the faults that can be cured, and with eyes that will not linger on the faults that can't be cured. Make him your constant thought and care.

The second van had disappeared, and nothing was left but a litter of straw and paper. The front door stood open and revealed desolation. Miss Nugent came to the gate and stared in superciliously. "I'm glad you're going," she said, frankly. Master Hardy scarcely noticed her.

On the couch, tucked away between a novel and a crystal gazing-ball, was a white Persian kitten, fast asleep. Chilcote picked up the ball and held it between his eyes and the fire; then he laughed superciliously, tossed it back into its place, and caught the kitten's tail. The little animal stirred, stretched itself, and began to purr. At the same moment the door of the room opened.

"Yes, in full, capital and interest; and I am about to do honor to his memory " "What folly!" exclaimed his mother-in-law. "Who is this?" she whispered in Grandet's ear, perceiving the president. "My man of business," he answered in a low voice. The marquise bowed superciliously to Monsieur de Bonfons. "We are pushing each other's fortunes already," said the president, taking up his hat.

There were men-killers, too, usually to be found in pairs, in startling costumes they had been persuaded were the latest Paris models, imitations of French cocottes in Hampton, proof of the smallness of our modern world. Eda regarded them superciliously. "They'd like you to think they'd never been near a loom or a bobbin!" she exclaimed.

Tom Davenport, for it was the son of Squire Davenport who had offered his escort to Rose, glanced superciliously at our hero. "I congratulate you on having secured a grocer's boy as escort," he said in a tone of annoyance. Ben's fist contracted, and he longed to give the pretentious aristocrat a lesson, but he had the good sense to wait for the young lady's reply.