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"Marse Joe, he de sheriff dis yere county, he done tole ole Mis' Gwyn dis evenin' all de news 'bout dat ole Black Hawk. Yas, suh, ole Black Hawk he on de warpath. All de Injuns in dis yere " "Injuns?" gulped Zachariah. "Dey all got dere warpaint on an' dere tommyhawks "

He hain't right easy ter git along wid when he's a-singin'. But if you'll 'scuse me, suh, I gotter take care o' old Hec. Jest make yourself to home, suh, anyways you like."

"Yes, Captain Carse, I hear you. I felt the vibrations of the explosion that occurred a minute ago." "Hah!" grunted Friday, immediately relieved. "All bluff, suh! No damage to 'em at all!" Carse asked quickly into the grille: "You felt the explosion, but do you know what it meant? what it did?"

Fo' year ago a railroad come along and staht a town slam ag'inst my lan', and, suh, Mars' Pendleton, Uncle Mose am worth leb'm thousand dollars in money, property, and lan'." "I'm glad to hear it," said the major heartily. "Glad to hear it." "And dat little baby of yo'n, Mars' Pendleton one what you name Miss Lyddy I be bound dat little tad done growed up tell nobody wouldn't know her."

"That's a theatre," Foster informed him, and after musing for a time he said: "Place whar they swollow knives, I reckon. Seed a feller do that at a school-house one night, an' I thought he'd killed hisse'f, but he spit it out jest like a stick of molasses candy. Wall, suh, I never seed as many lanterns hung up befo'. An' I want to tell you they've got good roads through this place.

No, suh; it weren't right " Simmons rubbed the cuff of his sleeve over his eyes, and the contents of the tilting decanter dribbled down the front of his spotted old coat. "Simmons," said Dr. Lavendar, "what had they been quarrelling about?" But Simmons said glibly, that 'fore the Lawd, he didn't know. "He does know," said Dr. Lavendar, as the man again retired to his pantry.

In such an event, suh, I shall be mo' than happy to suhve you; mo' than happy, by the Lord!" "Captain," said Jim feelingly, "you're a good fellow and a true friend, and I promise you I shall have no other second." "In that promise," replied the Captain gravely, "you confeh an honah, suh!"

"This allays that trail dust of yours, Mr. Kirby?" He inquired with no more than usual solicitude, but there was a faint trace of amusement in his small smile. Kirby met the challenge promptly. "Ably, suh, ably!" He raised his half-filled glass. "To your very good health, suh. I don't know when I've had me a more satisfyin' drink!" Pryor bowed. He was still smiling as he glanced at Drew.

Accidental meetings were better than planned interviews. Old Berry's grizzled beard was bristling with repugnance, and he was about to refuse Mr. Tripple the hospitality of the shears when Ingolby said: "You won't mind my having a word with Mr. Tripple first, will you, Berry? May we use your back parlour?" A significant look from Ingolby's eyes gave Berry his cue. "Suh, Mr. Ingolby. I'm proud."

Thar ain't much sto' set by honesty in this here world, suh, an' you kin buy a bigger chaw of tobaccy with five cents than you kin with all the virtue of Moses on his Mount; but all the same it's a mighty good thing to rest yo' head on when you go to bed, an' I ain't sure but it makes easier lyin' than a linen pillow-slip an' a white goose tick "