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The English schooner had sent a shot through Captain Starkweather's fine new mainsail, followed by a command to lay to, and before Mr. Nelson had had time to fasten the door of the cabin, the schooner was abreast of the sloop and in a few moments the Province Town boat was taken in tow by the English schooner, and Mr. Nelson and Captain Starkweather found themselves prisoners.

It was thus that she drove into Elsmore, the rattling of the old buggy and the spots of lather on the pinto's sides exciting a ripple of curiosity, which furnished its own solution in the fact that it was "that there Starkweather girl," who was generally conceded to be "a great one." She stopped her panting horse before the doctor's office, and sprang out.

She died away the girl did, and people wondered why he did not come back and how he lived. Why, yes, that must be the man." And she turned to look about for him. Miss Amory Starkweather made a slight movement. "Don't look," she said. "He might not like to be stared at." "They're quite common people," commented Mrs. Stornaway, still staring. "They live in a little house in a side street.

Concluding the Marriage Service of the Church of England in those well-known words, my uncle Starkweather shut up his book, and looked at me across the altar rails with a hearty expression of interest on his broad, red face. At the same time my aunt, Mrs. Starkweather, standing by my side, tapped me smartly on the shoulder, and said, "Valeria, you are married!" Where were my thoughts?

The tears began to roll fast down her cheeks. "Oh, Miss Starkweather! they was lyin' on the bed an' she saw 'em an' turned as white as a sheet." "Ugh!" the sound broke from Miss Amory like a short, involuntary groan. "She said she didn't know how people could bear it," Susan hurried on, "an' I said just like you did that they had to bear it." She suddenly hid her face in her arms.

That teetotal wreck on the west side o' the lake took a hem'ridge I furget his name, somethin'-weather: pretty dry weather, judgin' from what I hear." "Starkweather?" "Yes, Starkweather; I guess he's pretty low." Parker started back to the post where his mule was tied. Then he turned and looked into the saloon. Levison had gone in and was wiping off the counter expectantly.

Starkweather, alone in his office, drew a prodigious breath and slumped down in his chair, and fell to gazing out over the roof-tops. It was a fortnight, now, since Henry's last letter. He wished that Henry would write oftener. He told himself that one of Henry's impulsive, buoyant letters would furnish the only efficacious antidote to Mirabelle.

The long "arm" of land now stretched out as if to welcome the returning voyagers, and the sloop ran in beside the little pier just as Captain Enos and Jimmie Starkweather came down the beach. "Been watching your craft since sunup," declared Uncle Enos. "What's kept you in Boston so long, Starkweather? We began to worry about you, John, and feared some ill news of our little maid."

From MISS MARY ELLIOTT MCCANDLESS, of Pennsylvania, Lady Manager. Slice twenty-five large cucumbers in pieces between one and two inches thick; lay in salt water two days; wash out the salt. Let all boil until a rich syrup, then put in the cucumbers and boil between one and two hours. From MRS. AMEY M. STARKWEATHER, of Rhode Island, Superintendent State Work and Lady Manager.

"I gave my coral beads, that Mistress Starkweather gave me, to the Indian girl," she said, wishing in some way to prove that she was not selfish. "That was quite right, and I am sure that Mrs. Starkweather will tell you so," responded Mrs. Freeman. Anne stitched away, setting her stitches very carefully. But she felt unhappy.