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Updated: August 26, 2024

I not like-a dat. Play quick somet'ing gay now." Nils put his lips to the instrument, and Joe lay back in his chair, laughing and singing, "Oh, Evelina, Sweet Evelina!" Clara laughed, too. Long ago, when she and Nils went to high school, the model student of their class was a very homely girl in thick spectacles.

"Say, I lak it you send me somet'ing by telegraph." "All right. Hold on a minute," and the instrument clicked on. After a little the Swede grew impatient. He scratched his pale gold head and shuffled his feet. "Say, I lak it you send me a little somet'ing yet." He reached out and touched the boy on the shoulder. "Keep out of here.

'Deed I don't beliebe as I can go on wid de story widout somet'ing to s'port me." "So much rum is not good for you, Katie, but I will give you a glass of water," said Ishmael. "Oh, honey, no, don't, please! I don't like water in de winter time, it allers gibs me a cold in the stummick. But rum warms me."

'Dis Graustark, 's fer as I know, is eeder a sort o' state or somet'ing belongin' to de Umpire, governed by it's own rulers. Edelweiss is de capital, d' big guns of d' land lives dere. I've walked out and saw d' castle where d' Princess and d' royalty hangs out. D' people speak a language of deir own, and I can't get next to a t'ink dey say.

I see you look at me, M'sieu' le Notaire, you look at me like a leetla dev'. You t'ink I come for somet'ing else" his black eyes flashed under his brow, he shook his head, and his hands clinched "You ask me why I come back? I come back because there is one thing I care for mos' in all de worl'. You t'ink I am happy to go about with a damn brown bear and dance trough de village? Moi? no, no, no!

The steamer she will go to depart in half an hour, an' that ees not time for thees ol' high-binder to do somet'ing. Eet ees what you call one stiff li'l' order. I admit thees spruce bandit ees pretty smart, but " again Live Wire Luiz shrugged his expressive shoulders "he ees pretty ol', no? I theenk to myself he have lose what you call heem? ah, yes, he have lose hees punch!"

"Where did she go?" Pugsy vouchsafed another jerk of the head, in the direction of the outer door. "She's beaten it," he said. "I seen her make a break for de stairs. Guess she's forgotten to remember somet'ing," he added indifferently, turning once more to his romance of prairie life. "Goils is bone-heads."

"Well, if you was to take dat on your shoulders an' pitch 'im into de sea, dat wouldn't sabe her." "Yes it would, you faint-hearted nigger!" cried the middy, losing all patience, "for if I could do that I'd be able to wring the neck of every pirate in Algiers and I'd do it too!" "Now, Geo'ge, keep cool. I's on'y p'intin' out what you can't do; but p'r'aps somet'ing may be done. I's hit it!"

Fitton, fishin' while he waitin' for Wylie, catch a small shark. Dey cut him open, jes' to see what he got inside, an' dar, right smack in de belly, dey see a bundle o' papers. "'Hi! says Fitton, 'dat somet'ing important! and he keep de papers an' tow de shark to Port Royal." "I suppose," said Stuart, "the captain of the Nancy must have thrown the papers overboard.

"Yes, yes " the bee-hunter pursued the discourse by saying "bees know a great deal. I have sometimes thought that bees know more than bears, and my brother must be able to tell something of them?" "Yes; my name is Bear's Meat," answered that chief, complacently. "Injin always give name that mean somet'ing. Kill so many bear one winter, got dat name." "A good name it is!

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