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Now dat he knows you's seed your fadder, he'll likely hab somet'ing 'tickler to say to you." "God grant that he may have something hopeful to suggest," said Hester, without looking up from her work. "You may be sure dat prayer is answered, dearie, for you trust de Lord, an' no one does dat in vain."

Dago Jim's voice roared out, hoarse, blasphemous, in drunken rage: "De Gray Seal see! Youse betcher life I knows! I been waitin' fer somet'ing like dis, damn youse! Youse been stallin' on me fer a year every time it came to a divvy. Youse've got a pocketful now youse snitched to-night dat youse are tryin' to do me out of. Well, keep 'em" he shoved his face forward. "I keeps dis see!

"He's de guy dat handed her one when she was young, an' she's been layin' fer him ever since! Sure! I know! Ain't I worked him fer her till I wears me shoes out tryin' to get somet'ing on him! Sure, she's in on it! Go on, Slimmy, wot's de lay? Wot do I do fer dat century?"

"'Tis Nick Sassy Nick Wyandotté, Flower of the Woods," for so the Indian often termed Maud. "Got news cap'in send him. Meet party and go along. Nobody here; only Wyandotté. Nick see major, too say somet'ing to young squaw." This decided the matter. The gate was unbarred, and Nick in the court in half-a-minute.

This is what he said when he came back: "You want know 'bout him, bagosh! Dat is somet'ing to see, dat man Ingles is his name. Sooch hair mooch long an' brown, and a leetla beard not so brown, an' a leather sole onto his feet, and a grey coat to his anklesyes, so like dat. An' his voice voila, it is like water in a cave.

"You don't look as if you did, Geo'ge," said a deep voice beside him. George started up with a face of scarlet. "Peter!" he exclaimed fiercely, "did you hear me speak? What did you hear?" "Halo! Geo'ge, don't squeeze my arm so! You's hurtin' me. I hear you say somet'ing 'bout plotummik lub, but what sort o' lub that may be is more'n I kin tell."

In the men's department after much thoughtful discussion they decided upon a suit of blue jeans that being the only goods which, in view of the amount of cloth required, came within the appropriation. Eli advised against it. "You are like Eli already," he said. "You haf got de pack off your back. Look at me. Don't you hear my clothes say somet'ing?" "They are very eloquent," said Abe.

He turned away from the lamp and bent over the violin on his knees, fingering the strings nervously. Then he spoke, in a changed, shaken voice. "Ah'l tole you somet'ing, Ma'amselle Serene. You ma frien'. Don' you h'ask me dat reason of it no more. Dat's somet'ing vair' bad, bad, bad. Ah can't nevair tole dat nevair."

But again he was interrupted by 'Poleon Doret, who once more bored his way into the crowd, crying: "Wait! I got somet'ing to say." He was breathing heavily, as if from a considerable exertion; perspiration stood upon his face; his eyes were flashing. He vaulted lightly to the platform, then flung out his long arms, crying: "You hack lak crazee mans.

Wen I paddle close up, I don' know 'im no more dan stranger, an' me an' Johnnie Platt is trap togeder wan winter. Wat you t'ink of dat?" "I saw a fellow killed that way at Holy Cross," interpolated the trader. "'Hello, I say, 'w'at's de matter? An' den I see somet'ing 'bout 'im dat look familiar. Hees face she's all swell' up an' bleedin' lak' raw meat."