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How was I gwyne to know it? "Well, one night we had a big sojer ball; de sojers dah at Newbern was always havin' balls an' carryin' on. Dey had 'em in my kitchen, heaps o' times, 'ca'se it was so big. Mine you, I was DOWN on sich doin's; beca'se my place was wid de officers, an' it rasp me to have dem common sojers cavortin' roun' in my kitchen like dat.

"Please, 'm," and Dinah stood in the door in all the glory of her gay afternoon turban, which seemed to make her face more black and shining "Please, 'm, dere's a young sojer man jus' come. He got a bundle an' he say he got strict d'rections to gib it to missy. An' here's de ticket." "Oh, for me!" Doris took it eagerly and read aloud, "Lieutenant E. D. Hawthorne."

Please, Mister Oak, a gnat have just fleed into my stomach and brought the cough on again!" "Yes, that's just it. Your mouth is always open, you young rascal!" "'Tis terrible bad to have a gnat fly down yer throat, pore boy!" said Matthew Moon. "Well, at Bath you saw " prompted Gabriel. "I saw our mistress," continued the junior shepherd, "and a sojer, walking along.

An' so Peter, an' so I be goin' away a sojer p'r'aps I shan't love the dear lass quite so much arter a bit p'r'aps it won't be quite so sharp-like, arter a bit, but what's to be is to be. I've larned wisdom, an' you an' she was made for each other an' meant for each other from the first; so don't go to clench ye fists again me no more, Peter." "Never again, George!" said I.

"And it wasn't above a week afterward that the old Betsy cometh back and saith, 'You'd best have let me call mun back when I told 'ee'; and then she told me that a serjeant was come to Ashacombe and that Jan was listed for a sojer and was agone.

"A emeny's d emeny. Like on de pickshur in Aunt Polly's room. One ... one's de English, an' one's de emeny." "It's the Battle of Waterloo," explained Polly. "He stands in front of it every day." "Yes. An' when I'm a big man, I'm goin' to be a sojer, an' wear a red coat, an' make 'bung'!" and he shot an imaginary gun at his sister, who squealed and ducked her head.

So I says to his mother, 'I s'pose he's clever? for dang it! thinks I, he must be clever to make up for being so plain-featured as all that. 'Benjy' she'd a-called him Benjamin after me 'Benjy's the cleverest child for his age that ever you see, she says. There's a sojer now passin' the window. Make a rhyme 'pon he, and you shall have the money. What d'ye think that ghastly boy did?

"It jest shooted itself!" said Pomp, in whom the old lady's words inspired a vague feeling of alarm. "I 'clare to gracious, Mass' Morton, it did!" "Didn't you have the gun in your hand, Pomp? Where did you get it?" "I jest borrered it of Mass' Frank, to play sojer a little while," said Pomp reluctantly. "Does he know that you have got it?"

What do I mane? 'Tis a joke I made. I'll not explane it to ye. Ye wudden't undherstand it. 'Tis f'r th' eddycated classes." "How they're iver goin' to get men to fight afther this I cudden't tell ye. 'Twas bad enough in th' ol' days whin all that happened to a sojer was bein' pinithrated be a large r-round gob iv solder or stuck up on th' end iv a baynit be a careless inimy.

Stationery was provided from the committee-rooms, and every Senator's desk was occupied by a "bould sojer boy," inditing an epistle to his friends. That night the censorship of the press was exercised for the first time at the telegraph office. Colonel Stone had seized the steamers which ran between Washington and Aquia Creek, and another steamer, the St.