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"He just blurts everything out," I said, "that's all." "Well, he mustn't," Mr. Ellsworth laughed, "especially when he's out on the lake. His tirade to-day, after the rescue, sounded very strange. The boys are not used to hearing talk about picking pockets and stealing silverware. They don't understand it." "I should worry about them," I said; "Skinny's just a kind of a freak.

I wouldn't care if he had keys to all the banks and safe deposit vaults in the United States." Gee, it just kind of gave me a thrill, the way he spoke. I said, "Anyway, now I know that I like you. I ought to have had sense enough to know before." Then he said, "You see, Blakeley, Skinny's a mighty queer little proposition.

"Here, kid, you can join both armies at once." The incubus ceased wailing and looked up eagerly. Silvey's and Skinny's faces bespoke perturbed amazement. "How ," interrupted Red Brown. "You can be a Red Crosser and look after the ones who get killed," John continued serenely. "Only you mustn't fight. Red Crossers never do. They just stay around the hospitals."

"That's one sure thing, because Skinny's more important. Maybe he'll think that a little fellow like Skinny isn't important, and that's the trouble, hey? Because he kind of punched me in the chest and laughed and said I was a good little sport. He said fellows by the name of Roy are all right."

I've done it and" as Leon came to the door "I'll bet four-bits I can jump in that box of eggs right there and never crack a shell!" The Ramblin' Kid understood. "Aw, you're crazy," he laughed. "I don't want to win your money!" "What's the matter?" Leon asked curiously, having heard only part of Skinny's boast.

You're not a swamp-rat, you're a swamp-scout," I said. Then I was going to say more, only Skinny seemed as if he was going to fall and the doctor kind of seemed to want me to move away. Anyway, I went over and got Skinny's belt-axe to carry it home for him.

"I knew, I just felt it in my bones, that that gold dust twin with his swell bathing suit and his waterproof mackinaw was going to lose his roll in the water. He carried it loose in his mackinaw pocket a camper, mind you. He had a wad big enough to pay off the national debt, and I knew it would tumble out and it did. Skinny's one of those poor little codgers that's always unlucky.

Do you see this fellow that's with me? He belongs to the Royal Bengal Tigers, if anybody should ask you, and Skinny's good enough for him. He can sleep up there he should worry. They've got three extra cots. "They'd better keep their watches near them," Vic Norris said. "Take him, you're welcome to him. Nobody ever said we were crooks in our patrol."

They're probably in the front room and she's playing La Paloma on the piano while Old Skinny's setting back rolling his eyes up like a bloated yearling!" Chuck laughed. "And Old Heck and Ophelia are out on the porch holding hands and looking affectionate while the mosquitos are chewing their necks and ankles!" Bert added with a snicker.

I guess I used to think that was funny, but, gee, when you get to be a scout you find out what real fun is and you don't call names like that. He always lived down in Barrel Alley and his mother goes out washing. Once Skinny's father hit him on the head and it made him queer like. But he got better mostly. Only he was always afraid of people after that. His father went away and got killed.