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Wherefore, stepping boldly forward to lay hold on the staff of him that was nearest to me, I said, "Sirrah, deliver your weapon." He thereupon raised his club, which was big enough to have knocked down an ox, intending no doubt to have knocked me down with it, as probably he would have done, had I not, in the twinkling of an eye, whipped out my rapier, and made a pass upon him.

And would you, sirrah, wish to know how it was that a sedate Captain of Foot, a studious and rather solitary bachelor of eight or nine and twenty years of age, who did not care very much for the jollities which his comrades engaged in, and was never known to lose his heart in any garrison-town should you wish to know why such a man had so prodigious a tenderness, and tended so fondly a boy of eighteen, wait, my good friend, until thou art in love with thy schoolfellow's sister, and then see how mighty tender thou wilt be towards him.

One evening the bachelors were more than usually noisy in their end of the dormitory, laughing and talking and shouting to one another. "Holloa, you sirrah, Falworth!" called one of them along the length of the room. "Blunt cometh again to-morrow day." Myles saw Gascoyne direct a sharp glance at him; but he answered nothing either to his enemy's words or his friend's look.

"Sleep," said he, "I don't know where you are to sleep, and don't care; ask Janet." "That's all very well, master " "Hold your tongue, sirrah!" said Sir Louis. "What the devil do you want of sleep? come here," and then, with his servant's help, he made his way up to his bedroom, and was no more heard of that night.

"Thus far, Mr. Thomas is in the right." "Mr. Thomas, sirrah! and why not Sir Thomas? Are baronets addressed as other men, in England? But, no matter! There is a time for all things. Sir Gervaise Oakes, as you are perfectly indifferent in this affair, I ask of you the favour to break the seal, and to inquire into the contents of the paper?"

"So you have come back?" spoke the duke in his even tones. It was impossible to tell whether the words were a welcome or a sentence. "Yes," answered the other, in a voice as noncommittal as Mayenne's own. He shut the door after him and walked over to the table. "And how goes it?" "Badly." The newcomer threw his hat aside and sat down without waiting for an invitation. "What! Badly, sirrah!"

"I'll tell, I'll tell." "Ah, I thought so; which one is she?" "The last one, sir." "And the Juno?" "The fourth from the rear; the frigate 's the first one, sir," he volunteered. "Oh, don't kill me, gentlemen." "Have you told me the truth, sirrah? Williams, keep your pistol there." "Oh, sir, yes, so help me; oh, gentlemen, for God's sake don't murder me. I've a wife and " "Peace, you fool!

"Sixth Confess your sins, at laste once dacently and soberly every year. "Seventh Resave your God at confission about great Easter-day; "Well," said his Eeverence, "now, to great point is, do you understand them?" "Wid the help of God, I hope so, your Rev'rence; and I have also the three thriptological vartues." "Theological, sirrah!" "Grey attitudes!

Then, turning to the abbot again, he offered to be his servant, and work for him till the four hundred pounds were earned, if he would take pity on him. This appeal was lost on the merciless churchman. In the end hot words passed, and the abbot angrily exclaimed, "Out of my hall, thou false knight! Speed thee out, sirrah!"

The boy, who saw their eyes fixed on him as they spoke, seemed embarrassed, slid rather desirous of making his escape; but at a signal from Redgauntlet he advanced, assuming the sheepish look and rustic manner with which the jackanapes covered much acuteness and roguery. 'How long have you been with the party, sirrah? said Redgauntlet.