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The neighbours were at first inclined to commiserate Big Anne, who was pronounced to be "a dacint, sinsible, poor woman," for the oddities of her household, the incalculable flightiness of Mad Bell, and the impenetrable silence of the Dummy. But to their condoling remarks she was wont to reply in effect "Ah sure, ma'am, that's the way I'm used to them, the crathurs.

"The Lord knows," his main argument ran, "the foolery them spalpeens 'ill be gabbin' permiscuis would sicken you, widout givin' them the chance to be sittin' down aisy and invintin' it." His wife once suggested that "the crathurs might be more sinsible like, when they were takin' time to considher themselves." But Isaac said, "Pigs may fly."

Finally they decided to discharge Aunt Martha, for the oldest member of the troupe folded her arms decisively and said, "Sure, it ain't in any lunatic asylum I'll be afther livin', bless th' Saints! If yez have a sinsible moment left in your head will yez give us th' car fare back to th' city, and it'll be a blessed hour for me whin I plants me feet on th' ferryboat, so it will!"

"He was always a daicent, sinsible, poor creature of his kind," replied his mother "besides, Hycy, between you and me, she'll be more than worth her bit." "There now, Peety," said her son, turning towards the mendicant; "it's all settled wait now for a minute till I write a couple of notes, which you must deliver for me."

Errol asked Mary to find her little boy and bring him to her, and Mary told her where he was. "Sure I'll foind him aisy enough, ma'am," she said; "for it's wid Mr. Hobbs he is this minnit, settin' on his high shtool by the counther an' talkin' pollytics, most loikely, or enj'yin' hisself among the soap an' candles an' pertaties, as sinsible an' shwate as ye plase." "Mr.

"'What do you mane? says he. "'I mane, says I, 'what I towld you, that I'm as good a furriner myself as any o thim. "'Make me sinsible, says he. "'By dad, maybe that's more nor me, or greater nor me, could do, says I; and we all began to laugh at him, for I thought I would pay him off for his bit o' consait about the Garmant Oceant.

"And I declare to goodness I dunno but maybe it's the very sinsible woman you were for that same. Sure meself was a great while afore ever I thought of axin' Biddy, and for anythin' I can tell I might ha' done better if I'd held me tongue a bit longer and then said nothin', as the sayin' is. I was ould enough to know me own mind any way.

This time he not only groaned, but uttered some words, and endeavoured to drag himself along the deck. `Arrah, now, that's like a dacent, sinsible man, observed Pat. `Anyhow, you deserve to have your hurts looked to, and so we will carry him below, Jim." The truth was that the man had been only slightly wounded, and afterwards stunned by a blow.

How can I face my father after having thus disobeyed him?" I thought. This feeling had not before occurred to me. I already repented what I had done. "I can't go home now," said I to Doolan aloud. "Why not?" said he; "you've a mighty fine faste to place before your dad; and, faith, if he's a sinsible man, he'll ax no questions how you came by it."

"He scramed out `Bad cess to ye' whin he saw the ugly pirate cap'en fall, an' sure, that wor as sinsible as a Christian." Everybody had got off pretty well, the majority only having a few slight scratches and flesh wounds; all, save, of course, the three of the hands who had been killed on deck in the first attack, and poor Mr Saunders, who, Tim said, was sinking fast.