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"Have you the clothes I came back in?" "Yes, my Lord." "Go and fetch them." The man disappeared and returned in a minute with a bundle of clothes neatly folded on his arm. "Mr. Church told me to keep them careful, lest you'd want to put the matter in the hands of the police, my Lord, shockin' old things they are." Jones examined the clothes. They were his own.

"Well! the wind wass blowing, and the snow wass fallin' shockin', and I could not let her carry her big bundle of clothes and she in the condition she wass " "Condition?" gasped Cardo, "what do you mean?" Shoni looked at him with keen, searching eyes.

But dressing was a slow process, because McTurk was obliged to dance when he heard that the musk basket was broken, and, moreover, Beetle retailed all King's language with emendations and purple insets. "Shockin'!" said Stalky, collapsing in a helpless welter of half-hitched trousers. "So dam' bad, too, for innocent boys like us! Wonder what they'd say at 'St.

Wagstaffe had to keep because her husband was a drunkard, who stole her money and came home "a-Saturday nights, when the public-houses turned out, and beat her somethink shockin'," though she always forgave him the next day and then the creaking went on as before.

"'Why, Squire Gabe, sais I, 'what is the matter of you? you look as if you couldn't help yourself; who is dead and what is to pay now, eh? "'Fairly beat out, said he, 'I am shockin' tired. I've been hard at work all the mornin'; a body has to stir about considerable smart in this country, to make a livin', I tell you.

Copper grabbed up both rifles, unshipped the cross-bandoliers, drew forth the English weekly, and picking up the lax hands, looked long and intently at the fingernails. "No! Not a sign of it there," he said. "'Is nails are as clean as mine but he talks just like 'em, though. And he's a landlord too! A landed proprietor! Shockin', I call it." The arms began to flap with returning consciousness.

Here I am: it's me, Sam Slick, make way, or I'll walk right over you, and cronch you like lobsters. 'Cheap talkin', or rather thinkin', sais I; for in course I couldn't bawl that out in company here; they don't understand fun, and would think it rude, and ongenteel. I have to be shockin' cautious what I say here, for fear I might lower our great nation in the eyes of foreigners.

But I only received these boots from him last Wednesday week." "Ah!" he said; "a shockin' go. Poor old man starved 'imself." "Good God!" "Slow starvation, the doctor called it! You see he went to work in such a way! Would keep the shop on; wouldn't have a soul touch his boots except himself. When he got an order, it took him such a time. People won't wait. He lost everybody.

"Say, Sunny's woke up an' bin thinkin'," he cried. "I allow his brain is shockin' wonderful. Guess he's got sick o' restin' an' reckons he got a notion for makin' a trust lay-out." "The Zip Trust," added Sandy, with a laugh, in which Toby joined heartily. "Yes. He guesses Zip needs lookin' after," declared the remittance man in the midst of his mirth, glancing round for appreciation of the joke.

Cuss them sarvants! it takes seven or eight of 'em to carry a man's name up stairs, they are so awful lazy, and so shockin' full of porter.