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Slick, sais Steve, who was afraid he would lose the pony, if he staid any longer, 'Mr. Slick, sais he, 'the least said, is the soonest mended, let's be a movin', this scene of noise and riot is shockin' to a religious man, ain't it? and he let go a groan, as long as the embargo a'most.

She said female vice wuz stalkin' round fearful, fallen wimmen appeared on the streets with shockin' frequency, sunthin' must be done for these lost souls or their blood would be on our dress skirts.

The long-suffering seaman who took care of them said, 'I been cleaned out that fox box. It do be shockin'. I been in a courageous turmoil my time, but dis be the head smell ever I witnessed." When the farm was erected, every schooner entering the harbour was interested in it, and a deep-cut pathway soon developed as the crews went up to see the animals.

To tell the truth, sir, I don't think he's ever rightly sober, and I've heard others say the same. And his business is fallin' off, something shockin'. Customers don't like to be insulted; that's only natural. He's always going down to Kempton Park, or Epsom, or some such place. They do say as he lost 'undreds of pounds at Kempton Park last week. It's my opinion the shop can't go on much longer.

"'Oh cuss him, it was him then was it? "'What, Sir? "'That woke them confounded rooks up, out o' their fust nap, and kick't up such a bobbery. Where is the Parson? "'Which one, Sir? "'The one that's so fond of fishing. "'Ain't up yet, Sir. "'Well, the old boy, that wore breeches. "Out on a sick visit to one of the cottages, Sir. "When he comes in, send him to me, I'm shockin' sick.

Slick, sais Steve, who was afraid he would lose the pony, if he staid any longer, 'Mr. Slick, sais he, 'the least said, is the soonest mended, let's be a movin', this scene of noise and riot is shockin' to a religious man, ain't it? and he let go a groan, as long as the embargo a'most.

Cuss them sarvants! it takes seven or eight of 'em to carry a man's name up stairs, they are so awful lazy, and so shockin' full of porter.

But I only received these boots from him last Wednesday week." "Ah!" he said; "a shockin' go. Poor old man starved 'imself." "Good God!" "Slow starvation, the doctor called it! You see he went to work in such a way! Would keep the shop on; wouldn't have a soul touch his boots except himself. When he got an order, it took him such a time. People won't wait. He lost everybody.

Weller proudly; 'bless your heart, you might trust that 'ere boy vith a steam-engine a'most, he's such a knowin' young' but suddenly recollecting himself and observing that Tony perfectly understood and appreciated the compliment, the old gentleman groaned and observed that 'it wos all wery shockin' wery. 'O, he's a bad 'un, said Mr.

As we waited our turn in the Convalescent Room, I overheard one patient-to-be remark to his neighbour, "They do be shockin' hard on us poor sailors. They says I've got to take a bath when I comes into hospital. Why, B'y, I hasn't had a bath since my mother washed me!" The ethics of dentistry here are so mixed that one needs a Solomon to disentangle them. Mrs.