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Updated: August 25, 2024

Shore I wus the one thet tole yer dad an' he give me a dollar." "Was he glad to hear it?" asked Jean, with a queer sensation in his throat. "Wal, he plumb was." "An' who told you I was goin' to ride in to-day?" "I heerd it at the store," replied the lad, with an air of confidence. "Some sheepmen was talkin' to Greaves. He's the storekeeper. I was settin' outside, but I heerd.

All the trouble that ever come 'tween you and me come by an accident come before you was born, and come through Dave Sassoon, and he's held it over me ever since you come up into this country. I was a young fellow. Sassoon worked for my father. The cattle and sheep war was on, north of Medicine Bend. The Peace River sheepmen raided our place your father was with them.

"Begins to look as if something had already happened," said Walter. A wild yell startled the sheepmen at the table. It seemed to come from some distance away. Everybody started up, some reaching for their guns. "We are attacked!" cried one. "No, but we're going to be!" shouted another. "There comes one of the boys on a pony giving the alarm." "Get ready, everybody!"

"Don't like it," he observed, briefly; and then, unlocking the ponderous padlock that protected their cabin from hungry sheepmen, he went in and fetched out the axe. "Guess I'll cut a tree for that old stiff," he said.

"Oh, tut, tut, now," protested Swope, "you're gettin' excited." "Well, of course I'm getting excited," replied Hardy, with feeling. "You start in by telling me the sheepmen are going to take the whole country, from Flag to the line; then you ask me what I'd do if a Mexican came in on us; then you say you can sheep us out any time you want to, and what am I going to do about it!

What's the use of going into a poor business, man, when there's a better business; and I'll tell you right now, the sheep business is the coming industry of Arizona. The sheepmen are going to own this country, from Flag to the Mexican line, and you might as well git on the boat, boy, before it's too late."

I am an old man now; I have lived on this spot twenty-four years and seen much of the sheep; let me advise you. "When the sheepmen come across the river do not fight, as Don Jeff does continually, but let them pass. They are many and the cowmen are few; they are rich and we are very poor; how then can a few men whip many, and those armed with the best?

Then we who had let them pass in pity were requited after the way of the borregueros we were sheeped out, down to the naked rocks, and the sheepmen went on, laughing insolently. Ay, que malo los borregueros, what devils they are; for hunger took the strength from our cows so that they could not suckle their calves, and in giving birth many mothers and their little ones died together.

The dress itself was made without regard to the prevailing mode and of the three-cent-a-yard bunting bought by sheepmen by the bolt to be used for flags to scare off coyotes in lambing time. The body of the dress was blue, trimmed with the same material in red. The sleeves were elbow length, and she wore black mitts.

But however anxious he was for an interview the desires of the sheepmen did not lean in that direction, and they only stared at him stolidly or pretended not to see. Thwarted in his efforts for peace the judge returned to camp deep in thought.

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