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An' more," he added rapidly, his eyes dancing wildly with suppressed excitement, "Hancock is a swingin' of his corps west ter meet 'em thar, an' I reckon, as how thar'll be hell fer sartain up ther Shenandoah in less ner a week es Scott ses, 'the wild sounds of border war." "But how do you know all this?"

"Are you going to beg my pardon and my uncle's pardon?" ses 'is wife, stamping 'er foot. "No," ses Dixon; "I am not. I'm surprised at you asking it." "Well, you don't come out o' this room till you do," ses 'is wife. "That won't hurt me," ses Dixon. "I couldn't look anybody in the face arter being pushed out o' my own bar."

Just as he was preparing to go out, the front door bell rang, and as he was going down to answer it he saw Bert White coming upstairs. The boy was carrying a flat, brown-paper parcel under his arm. 'A corfin plate, he explained as he arrived at the door. 'Wanted at once Misery ses you can do it at 'ome, an' I've got to wait for it. Owen and his wife looked at each other with intense relief.

"You are good to me," she ses arter they 'ad gone inside and 'er mother 'ad gone upstairs arter giving Ginger a bottle o' beer to amuse 'imself with; "I shall never forget you. Never." "I 'ope not," ses Ginger, starting. "Are you coming out agin to- morrow?" "I'm afraid I can't," ses Miss Gill, shaking her 'ead and looking sorrowful.

'He'd never forgive me; but if you'll take the responserbility, and then go straight 'ome and give me the gold watch now for kindness to animals, I will. "He shook his 'ead with sorrow and made that sucking noise agin. "'All right, you shall 'ave it, ses Mr. Bunnett, shouting. 'You shall 'ave it. "'For kindness to animals? ses Bob. 'Honour bright? "'Yes, ses Mr. Bunnett.

"Old clothes?" ses Ginger, in a voice as if 'e was being suffocated. "I thought they'd be a bit o' green for you to look at," ses the old man, 'olding the plants up; "there's no knowing 'ow long you'll be up there. The big one is yours, Ginger, and the other is for Peter." "'Ave you gone mad, Isaac?" ses Peter, in a trembling voice, arter Ginger 'ad tried to speak and couldn't.

"There was a fine to-do about it up at this 'ere Cauliflower public-'ouse that night, and the quietest man 'o the whole lot was Bob Pretty. He sat still all the time drinking 'is beer and smiling at 'em and giving 'em good advice 'ow to get that gold watch. "'It's no good to me, he ses, shaking his 'ead. 'I'm a pore labourin' man, and I know my place.

I could speak then, but I couldn't think of any words good enough; not with a policeman standing by with a notebook in 'is pocket. "Wot was you ringing my bell for?" I ses, at last. "Why didn't you answer it before?" ses the landlord. "D'you think I've got nothing better to do than to stand ringing your bell for three- quarters of an hour? Some people would report you."

"'Stop that! I ses, shouting at 'im. "'What for? 'e ses, shying another piece. 'Why shouldn't I? "'Cos I won't 'ave it, I ses. 'D'ye hear? Stop it!

The thin little woman was passed out by the policeman in the middle of a speech she was making, and he was just going for the other, when the skipper stopped 'im. "This lady is coming on my ship," he ses, puffing out 'is chest. I looked at 'im, and then I turned to the policeman. "So long as she goes off my wharf, I don't mind where she goes," I ses.