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A face that was as white as chalk with temper, and a bonnet cocked over one eye with walking fast. She shook 'er fist at me, and then she shook it at Miss Lamb. "'Who's that? ses Miss Lamb. "'My missis, I ses, in a loud voice. 'Thank goodness she's come. "'Open the door! ses my missis, with a screech. "'I can't, I ses. 'Somebody's locked it. This is Cap'n Tarbell's young lady.

Then she was as clean as a new pin, and dressed up as though she was going out to tea. "Oh, you're Alfred, I s'pose?" she ses, looking at 'im. "Mr. Simms is my name," ses young Alf, starting and drawing hisself up. "I know you by your portrait," ses the 'ousekeeper. "Come in. 'Ave you 'ad a pleasant v'y'ge? Wipe your boots." Alfred wiped 'is boots afore he thought of wot he was doing.

He took off 'is clothes very slowly and then 'e put one foot in and stood shivering, although Smith, who felt the water with his 'and, said it was quite warm. Then Lewis put the other foot in and began to walk about careful, 'arf-way up to 'is knees. "I can't find it," he ses, with 'is teeth chattering. "You 'aven't looked," ses Mr. Cutts; "walk about more; you can't expect to find it all at once.

'You might hear me say it, it's this one about heart disease. "He hands over the book, which was stuck full o' all kinds o' diseases, and winks at me 'ard. "'Picked it up on a book-stall, he ses; then he shut 'is eyes an' said his piece wonderful. It made me quite queer to listen to 'im. 'That's how I feel, ses he, when he'd finished. 'Just strength enough to get to bed.

"She passed it over to me, and I read the name and address: 'Miss Minnie Miller, 17, John Street, Mile End Road. "'That'll wake her up, She ses, smiling. 'Will you ask Joe to take it for me? "'He he's on guard, I ses, smiling back at 'er and shaking my 'ead. "'I know, she ses, in a low voice. 'But I don't want any guard only you. I don't like guards that peep down skylights.

"Uncle Dick passed me two minutes arterwards without a word, and set off down the road as fast as 'is little legs 'ud carry 'im. I watched 'im out o' sight, and then I went on board the schooner to see how 'Arry 'ad got on. "Arry, I ses, when he 'ad finished, 'you're a masterpiece! "'I know I am, he ses. 'Wot about that other 'arf-quid? "'Here it is, I ses, giving it to 'im.

We both looked into the glass together while 'e gave the finishing touches, and then he clapped me on the back and said I was the handsomest sailorman in England. "I shall have to make up a bit 'eavier when I'm behind the floats," he ses; "but this is enough for 'ere. Wot do you think of the imitation of your voice? I think I've got it exact."

Alfredi," he ses, introducing 'im to a fat, red-'aired lady wot was sitting inside sewing. "She has performed before all the crowned 'eads of Europe. That di'mond brooch she's wearing was a present from the Emperor of Germany, but, being a married man, he asked 'er to keep it quiet." Rupert shook 'ands with Mrs.

Bob was in the bar and the others were just sitting down to tea, and a big chest, nicely corded, stood on the floor in the corner of the room. "That's right," he ses, looking at it; "that's just wot I wanted." "It's as full as it can be," ses old Burge. "I done it for you myself. 'Ave you got a ship?" "I 'ave," ses Dixon. "A jolly good ship. No more hardships for me this time.

I ses, starting back. "You! Wot for? I'm surprised at you! I wouldn't ha' believed it of you!" "I felt a bit curious," he ses, with a silly sort o' smile. "But wot I can't understand is why the gal didn't turn up." "I'm ashamed of you, Bill," I ses, very severe. "P'r'aps she did," he ses, 'arf to 'imself, "and then saw my missis standing there waiting. P'r'aps that was it."