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"I is berry busy dis marning," cried Primus, struggling to get free; "Missa Pownal want my sarvices; de doctor is anxious to insult wid me; and de 'Piscopal minister hab someting 'portant to communicate." "I inspect he want you to write the Thanksgiving sermon," said Felix, grinning. "But, General, I have really an invite for you.

"What's the wages of a Elder, when he understans his bizness or do you devote your sarvices gratooitus?" "Yay." "Stormy night, sir." "Yay." "If the storm continners there'll be a mess underfoot, hay?" "Yay." "It's onpleasant when there's a mess underfoot?" "Yay." "If I may be so bold, kind sir, what's the price of that pecooler kind of weskit you wear, incloodin trimmins?" "Yay!"

The Shakers axed me to go to their meetin, as they was to hav sarvices that mornin, so I put on a clean biled rag and went. The meetin house was as neat as a pin. The floor was white as chalk and smooth as glass. The Shakers was all on hand, in clean weskits and meal bags, ranged on the floor like milingtery companies, the mails on one side of the room and the females on tother.

Ye might see him anny time wandhrin' through th' camp with a hatful of oats or a wisp of hay. They called him th' Stall Angel, and countless thousands iv sick hor-rses blessed him. He's a gr-reat man is th' Dock. But, if it hadn't been f'r Goold Bonds, th' counthry wud niver have had his sarvices. Who knows but that Mack's cat was th' rale victhor at Sandago?" "Didn't he cure anny men?" asked Mr.

"Well, then, listen Sir Thomas got me put into this strange fellow's sarvice, in ordher to ah ahem why, you see in ordher to keep an eye upon him and, what do you think? but he's jist afther tellin' me that he doesn't think he'll have any further occasion for my sarvices." "Well, a' think that looks suspicious it's an elopement, there's no doubt about it."

There's timber and a warld o' things aboot the place as wants proteection on behalf o' the heir. If your leddieship is minded to be quit o' my sarvices, I'll find a maister in Mr. Camperdoon, as'll nae alloo me to be thrown out o' employ. Coosins!" "Walk off from this!" said Frank Greystock, coming forward and putting his hand upon the man's breast. Mr.

You can't deny it's a great deal pleasanter in the day time than to go along shivering at night, and, perhaps, catch a tarnation cold. So, Prime, what say to going down to-morrow in the forenoon or afternoon, I don't care much which? It's all one to me." "It's all no use," persisted Primus. "You just hab to pay for de boat and my sarvices, and git noting.

Yes, the scoundrel has followed you up, Tolly, as Paul Bevan said he would, and, havin' come across Brixton's track, has gone after him, from all which I now come to the conclusion that your friend Mister Tom is a prisoner, an' stands in need of our sarvices. What say you, Tolly?" "Go at 'em at once," replied the warlike Trevor, "an' set him free." "What! us three attack fifty men?"

"Well den," said Aunt Patsy, "you conduc' sarvices yourse'f, Uncle Isham, an' we kin have prar meetin', anyhow."

Woman is too weak and gentle to be intended to run such risks, and man must feel for her. Yes, I rather think that's as much red natur' as it's white. But I have no Hist, nor am I like to have; for I hold it wrong to mix colours, any way except in friendship and sarvices." "In that you are and feel as a white man should!