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Having done this, he returned to his seat, and, moving the chair in front of the fire, he looked first at one hound, and then at the other, and said, "Pups, this be Christmas Eve, and I sartinly trust ye be grateful fur the comforts ye have." He said this deliberately, as if addressing human companions.

Besides, the brig and we are to sail in company; and Fawcett won't stand any nonsense, even if I were disposed to listen to your suggestion." At this moment San Domingo came along. "You want me, Mr Grenvile?" he asked. "Yes, San Domingo," said I. "Get the kits of Mr Keene and myself ready, and also your own, as quickly as possible. We are all to go aboard the schooner." "Yes, massa, sartinly.

"Wal, Jase Day, you're so smart," drawled Cross Moore, "who d'ye reckon could ha' took the coins?" "Most anybody could. Mr. Haley sartinly did not," Uncle Jason returned, briskly. "How d'ye know so much?" demanded Massey, the druggist. "'Cause I know him," rejoined Mr. Day, quite as promptly as before. "Aw that's only talk," said Joe Pellet, pulling his beard reflectively. "Mr.

His wife war de nicest and sweetest lady dat eber I did see. None ob yer airish, stuck up folks, like a tarrapin carryin' eberything on its back. She used ter hab meetins fer de mudders, an' larn us how to raise our chillen, an' talk so putty to de chillen. I sartinly did lub dat woman." "Where is she now?" asked Robert. "De Conference moved dem 'bout thirty miles from yere.

They were anxious to know how he was getting along, and Mrs. Hampton had brought a bottle of her choicest jam for his special benefit. "It is sartinly good of yez to come," he told them. "Martha was entertainin' me by readin' the paper. It helps pass the time." "I was just reading about that poor girl who drowned herself," Mrs. Tobin explained. "Have you seen it, Miss?"

It is heroic to live, because it is harder than dying. Even death dedicated to atonement can be a greater sin than the deed which one would atone." "I know not how the girl has such wisdom," said the trapper, "for she be young, and yit she sartinly seems to me to have the right of it.

"Ay, ay," cried several voices, in reply. "'Ee do, do 'ee? Wal; 'ee see 'tain't half as big as the Injun's squash. 'Ee see that, do 'ee?" "Oh, sartinly! Any fool can see that." "Wal; s'pose I plug it at sixty, plump centre?" "Wagh!" cried several, with shrugs of disappointment. "Stick it on a pole, and any o' us can do that," said the principal speaker.

"Ye might do worse," was the quiet reply. "I am sartinly interested in what ye've jist told me, an' I thank ye fer yer confidence. Me own heart was stirred once, an' the feelin' ain't altogether left me yit. But ye've got a difficult problem ahead of ye, young man. Ye want that lass, so I believe, but between you an' her stands Jim Weston." "And the girl, why don't you say?"

It was a wonderful shot, John Norton, and I would take just such another tramp as I have had, to see you do it again, old man." "It wasn't bad," returned the Trapper; "no, it sartinly wasn't bad, for he was goin' as ef the Old Harry was arter him.

"Well, yer kin bet your life we'll tell ther outlaws, won't we?" "We sartinly will." "Come on, then! Let's git to ther cave." They set their bronchos at a gallop and moved rapidly through the pass. "I wonder if ther sign was all right?" said one, as they rode along. "I was thinkin' so much about what that boy said that I never thought ter look."