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Maurice brought one hand into the palm of the other with a rough laugh. "Oh, that's it, is it! 'Gad, what a flat I was not to think of it before! You want to see him, I suppose?" She came close to him, and, in her earnestness, took his hand. "I want to save his life!" "Oh, that be hanged, you know! Save his life! It can't be done." "You can do it, Maurice." "I save John Rex's life?" cried Frere.

He could see at a glance that Rex's position with regard to the Korps was wholly changed, and that henceforth his friend was likely to be almost as popular as himself. The fact that Rex had been chief of the Saxo-Prussians was in itself a sufficient recommendation and would long since have inspired them with respect, had Rex chosen to disclose his former dignity.

To see her, and then what then? The future was a blank, of which the monotony was broken only by the figure of Greif. The idea of devoting himself to his brother, and of expending all his strength and intelligence in the attempt to make him outlive the dreadful memory of this day, presented itself to Rex's mind. He smiled faintly, for the thought was unlike most of his thoughts.

But she'll marry Masten who ain't fit to be Rex's dog. She won't, Nig! Why ?" She got up and started for the door. But nearing it, she sank upon the threshold, crying and moaning, while Nig, perplexed at this conduct on the part of his mistress, stood off a little and barked loudly at her.

But he's dressed very well, and I can't understand how they came to be together. Won't you come out and see them, please?" Mrs. Raynor scraped the dough from her lingers and followed her daughter to the front porch. Miles had gone over to take Rex's head on his knee and was softly stroking the hair back from the damp forehead. "Oh, yes; the poor fellow is very ill," Mrs.

Tudor, breaking the silence, "there was a previous lover in the case?" "I am sure there was not!" said Rex, eagerly. Still the idea was new to him. He adored Daisy with a mad, idolatrous adoration, almost amounting to worship, and a love so intense is susceptible to the poisonous breath of jealousy, and jealousy ran in Rex's veins.

"Bears hug that's a fact," he laughed. "Come, are you ready or I'll just " "Don't you dare!" she cried, whipping off her mask and attempting an indignant frown. She saw the big bunch of white violets in his hand and made a diversion by asking what those were. He told her, and she declared, delightedly, that she should carry them with Rex's roses to the Ball.

'Hold your tongue, you silly boy! he said, and for the first time since they had become friends Greif recognised the angry accents he had heard through the door when he had first gone to Rex's lodging. 'Prosit! growled Bauer. 'Who are you, if you please? 'My name is Rex. My friends the Swabians will manage this affair.

If it hadn't been close on to midnight he would have gone home there and then. But now Harrington was well nigh helpless, and Rex knew nothing about New York. Where was he going to sleep that night? Harrington was in no condition to have questions put to him now. A fixed look came over Rex's face. "I must go now," he said, looking around for his hat and valise.

"I thought you were the young gentleman I expected who was to look at this room to see whether he liked it well enough to stay while his father went to Europe. But why are you sorry that I do not know anything about your brother? Have you lost him?" "In a sort of a way, yes," and Roy told his story, or as much of it as he could, without bringing in the fact of Rex's having run away from home.