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And we may add that Caesar was constitutionally, as well as by accident of position, too much a man of the world, had too powerful a leaning to the virtues of active life, was governed by too partial a sympathy with the whole class of active forces in human nature, as contradistinguished from those which tend to contemplative purposes, under any circumstances, to have become a profound believer, or a steadfast reposer of his fears and anxieties, in religious influences.

I repeat to you what Arnauld said to his friend Nicole, when the latter, tired of the struggle for Jansenism, declared to him that he would retire and repose: 'Vous reposer!

I followed her, however, into a room about twelve feet by seven, where there were two crib bedplaces like those on board the packets. They were, considering the place, tolerably decent, and I turned in half-rigged. At half after two in the morning our two horse attendants had the civility to wake us out of tired Nature’s sweet reposer, balmy sleep.

Je suis arrive a Amiens samedi matin de bonne heure, ayant l'intention de me reposer un peu a l'hotel et puis de continuer mon voyage le tantot, mais en me levant j'ai senti que j'avais besoin d'un repos un peu plus prolonge apres les fatigues de Paris. Le plus ennuyeux c'est que je peux a peine manger quelque chose.

Was it possible for any man with a drop of warm blood flowing through his veins, not to feel a quicker heart-beat, a swifter pulse, at the entrancing, half-melancholy, half-mocking sweetness she infused into these lines? "Je pars, et sur ma levre ardente Brule encor ton dernier baiser. Entre mes bras, chere imprudente Ton beau front vient de reposer. Sens-tu mon coeur, comme il palpite?

A tear trembled on the edge of her black lashes and then splashed on to the chubby cheek of Peter the reposer. "I see," said Everett coolly, and a flint tone made his usually rich voice harsh and tight. For a few minutes he sat quietly looking Rose Mary over with an inscrutable look in his eyes that finally faded again into the utter world weariness.

Ils revenoient fort las; la nuit approchoit; il veut se reposer: on lui dit qu'il restoit quatres milles a faire "Oh," dit-il, "nous sommes quatres; ce n'est qu'un mille chacun."

"Il faut que votre mere se reposer," he told her, with the grave caesural pause which he always made in the middle of a French sentence. She understood him. No distortion of her native tongue surprised or perplexed her. She was accustomed to being addressed in all persons, numbers, genders, tenses; by Germans, English, Americans.

Eh! n'avez-vous pas pour vous reposer V'eternite toute enliere? If those men were filled with so undying an enthusiasm for an insipid quarrel about mere sophistries, how could you take rest, since eternity itself, whether it be repose or motion, offers nothing more sublime than a struggle for the liberty and dignity of the world?"

Haden dit que je n'ai point de maladie, mais que je suis incapable de supporter tout travail excessif. Il va falloir regler tout cela." "J'ai du renoncer a mon travail pendant deux jours parce que j'ai besoin de repos, et il me semble plus sage de le prendre a temps que de me rendre malade. Lorsque je suis malade je ne puis pas me reposer, tandis que maintenant, je suis simplement fatigue.