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Updated: August 25, 2024

"Boys," he said, slowly, "you've got a new boss. It's me. A day or so ago, crossin' from Pardo, I run into a ruckus at Sentinel Rock. Lane Morgan was the center of the ruckus an' he got perforated plenty. But before he cashed in he got a gleam of downright sense an' told me he'd been lookin' for me, to make me manager of the Rancho Seco. "I'm reckonin' to be manager beginnin' now.

His eyes were blue, his hair, like his beard, was sandy. He was almost forty years old and was still a bachelor. "Wal, young ones," he said at last, "reckonin' trundle-bed trash, there's a lot of ye, ain't there?" His voice surprised me. From such a massive man I had expected to hear a profound bass. Yet his voice was not distinctly bass, it was clear and flexible.

And now the disappearance of Rojas's band, the long wait in the silence, the boding certainty of invisible foes crawling, circling closer and closer, lent to the situation a final touch that made it unreal. "I'm reckonin' there's a mind behind them Greasers," replied Jim. "Or mebbe we ain't done Rojas credit... If somethin' would only come off!"

An' there's another teks that says, Don't ye fret over spilt milk; an', bein' a pillar of the church, I reckon you'd like to practise 'em, an' let your light shine afore men. Now if there's one thing more'n another that Sam prides himself on, its bein' a deacon, an' livin' up to it; an' my speakin' Scriptur' to him was jest a word in season, for he quiets down an' falls to reckonin'. 'Give 'em to me for what you give by the lot, an' throw in the freight, says I, seein' he meant to make on 'em, 'an' I'll take 'em an' see to the pickin' 'em up, an' you can load up the cart an' start off home. He jes' took to it at once, for, with the lot he had, one bag didn't make so much differ out half a dozen he buys 'em that way mostly, for ye know he keeps a' eatin' house; temperance strict it is, up to Stony Beach, where there's lots of clambakes an' picnics holdin' all the time, an' the folks eats heaps of peanuts.

Who do yu reckon's doin' all this rustlin'?" "I'm reckonin', not shoutin'," responded the foreman. The proprietor looked out the window and grinned: "Here comes one of yourn now." The newcomer stopped his horse in a cloud of dust, playfully kicked the animal in the ribs and entered, dusting the alkali from him with a huge sombrero.

Mebbe he'll be meetin' his Mäaker face to face, before the year's oot; yo' canno' tell. He's weakenin' fasst. An' he's ben a hard mon to his awn flesh and blood. There'll be a reckonin'! An' the Lord's sent him this yan chance o' repentance. I'll not stan' i' the Lord's way whativer. Coom along, Missie!"

Wait till you've carried twelve such loads, my dear," said a tall middle-aged woman, whose black hair, coarse as a mane, was powdered grey with, raindrops. "Dear now, Ellen; be this the twelfth?" our hostess exclaimed. "I was reckonin' it the 'leventh." "Ay, th' twelfth tho' I've most lost count. I buried one, you know."

An old vessel's a perfect pickpocket to owners; and if this old thing hasn't opened their purses as bad as her own seams, I'll miss my reckonin'. I've had a strong foreknowledge that we wouldn't get across in her. I saw the rats leaving in Jamaica taking up their line of march, like marines on the fore. It's a sure sign. And then I'd a dream, which is as sure as a mainstay never deceives me.

Directed at the town it relieved the pressure of their resentment over Trevison's habit of depending upon himself. For, secretly, both were interested admirers of Manti's growing importance. Time was measured by their desires. Sometime before midnight Barkwell got up, yawned and stretched. "Sleep suits me. If 'Firebrand' ain't reckonin' on a guardian, I ain't surprisin' him none.

Call yourself an engineer?" he continued, witheringly. "As an engineer you're a howling success at shoemakin', you slob. I'll fix your clock for you, my hearty. I'll have your ticket took away from you, an' that's no Chinaman's dream, nuther." "It's all my fault runnin' by dead reckonin'," the honest Gibney protested. "Mac ain't to fault.

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