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I'm reckonin' on sendin' over to-night an' gittin' the Winn gals to come and see me and advise. Perhaps some on 'em may know of somebody that'll take me for what help I can give about house, or some clever folks that have been lookin' for a smart cat, any ways; no, I don't know's I could let her go to strangers.

We stuck to the Grotkau's tail that night an' the next twa days she slowed down to five knot by my reckonin' and we lapped along the weary way to the Fastnet." "But you don't go by the Fastnet to get to any South American port, do you?" I said. "We do not. We prefer to go as direct as may be. But we were followin' the Grotkau, an' she'd no walk into that gale for ony consideration.

I tell you that a single man here won't pay a penny o' reckonin', while I'm to the good; and, to make short work of it, by the contints o' the book, I'll strike the first of ye that'll attempt it. Now!" "Faix, an' I for one," said Toal, "won't come undher your fist; it's little whiskey ever I'd drink if I did."

"But I'm reckonin' that we're goin' to come somewhere near succeedin'. We can count on doin' pretty much as we please from now till to-morrow mornin', providin' we don't stick our noses into the camps of the Britishers or Tories, for you can set it down as a fact that every red-faced wretch will have considerable on hand this night.

Thus might one of the Hereford stots he resembled approach a green pasture. "If you ask the steward he'll bring you some belayin' tackle," he said. "I am a trifle crank just now," admitted Royson, "but when the wind freshens I'll take in a reef or two." Stump looked up at him. "You've put me clean, out of reckonin'. Never bin to sea, you say? Wot's yer name?" "King, Richard King."

'An' whan wad I be able to pay ye, do ye think, doctor? In anither warl' maybe, whaur the currency micht be sae different there wad be no possibility o' reckonin' the rate o' exchange. Na, na. 'But I will give you the money if you like. 'Na, na. You hae dune eneuch already, an' mony thanks. Siller's no sae easy come by to be wastit, as lang's a darn 'll do.

"Not so bad as that; but he's still complainin'. It's one day up and another day down wid' him an' of coorse his laise of life can't be long now." "Well, well," responded Sullivan, "it's not for us to pass judgment on our fellow-creatures; but by all accounts he'll have a hard reckonin'."

Then returning to where the officer of the watch stood, he resumed: "Never made a bad landfall in my life, Mr. Higgins. Never shall be said of Captain Price Bottom that he lost his reckonin'. It's judgment; yes, Mr. Higgins, it's good judgment and sound sense what makes a good sailor. A man may cram his skull till it hurts with Bowditch, but if he hain't sense he'll never be a sailor.

"Bless you, Mister Leigh, we're miles to windward of that place," said he with a laugh. "But it's allers the way with your young navigators as is full chock up to the bung with book larnin' and hasn't had no real 'sperience o' the sea yet! They allers fancy all sorts o' dangers that your old seamen who've been a v'yage or two never thinks o' reckonin' on!"

"And so it might 'a' been enough, but now, my God! my God! as I stand here aside o' him, he bids me, plain as day, to speak a word beyent; ef I could only name it, ef I could only name it, what looks so cl'ar and beautiful thar' on his face. "'Hold strong; he says, 'below thar'. Keep heart and make cl'ar reckonin', for it's losin' all may be, in this 'ere mystery, makes cl'arest gain o' all.