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'Arry Wagstaff, as wos in Number Two Squordron 'e pulls a bit o' chork aht of 'is pocket, an' 'e marks on 'is bowlder in big, fat letters 'Lucky soors in bed ev'ry night' but old Doolally 'appened to turn rahnd an' cop 'im at it. Drum-'ead coort-martial 'Arry gort for that, an' drew ten d'ys Number One Field Punishment.

At some time or another, quite recently, she must have sat down in some mud. "How did I get her?" I demanded. "The young lydy," explained the boy, "she came rahnd to our plice on Tuesday " I began to see light. "An excitable young lady talks very fast never waits for the answer?" "With jolly fine eyes," added the boy approvingly. "And she ordered a cow?"

The last observation that Horace made to the remnant of his men was: "Bli' me! they're all rahnd us now like flies rahnd a fish-barrer. Dam' swine!..."

There's more real gentlemen a-mooching rahnd here in a day than a girl would have a chawnce of meeting in a awspital in a twelvemonth." Glory's very soul was sickening. The attentions of the men, their easy manners, their little liberties, their bows, their smiles, their compliments it was gall and wormwood to the girl's unbroken spirit.

"I went arter 'im, dodged rahnd the fust corner, an', bli-me, 'e gev me a punch that would 'ave 'arted Corbett." "What with his fist?" inquired Brett. "Nah, guv'nor 'is 'eel, blawst 'im. I could 'ave dodged a square blow. I can use my dukes a bit myself." "What was the value of the punch?" The youth tried to smile, though the effort tortured him. "It was worth 'arf a thick 'un at least, guv'nor."

"Didn't ye 'ear the dorg, mum?" said Liza. "What dog?" "The Farver's dorg. It was scratching at the front dawer afore I was up this morning. 'It's the milk, sez I. But the minute I opened the dawer up it came ter the drawerin' room and went snuffling rahnd everywhere." "Where is it now?" "Gorn, mum." "Did anybody else see it? No? You say no? You're sure?

"Ow, goo'-mornin'!" said the driver. The conductor was standing on the pavement when John descended. "You'll get a 'bus owver there at the Mansion 'Ouse," he said, "thet'll tyke you right into Fleet Street. Or you can walk it easy from 'ere. 'Long Cheapside, just rahnd the corner!..." "Cheapside!" John said with interest.

"Two bottles o' Bass, gov'nor," responded Millwaters promptly, dropping into colloquial Cockney speech. He turned to Perkwite and winked. "Well, an' wot abaht this 'ere bit o' business as I've come rahnd abaht, Mister?" he went on, nudging his companion, in free-and-easy style.

"The lydy gives us to understand," said the boy, "that fresh milk was 'er idea." That surprised me: that was thoughtful of Robina. "And this is the cow?" "I towed her rahnd last night. I didn't knock at the door and tell yer abaht 'er, cos, to be quite frank with yer, there wasn't anybody in." "What is she bellowing for?" I asked.

'E give 'isself up an' I takes 'im along I makes 'im walk in front o' me yer can't take no risks wi' them bastards. 'E turns rahnd an' says ter me in English 'e must 'a' bin a clurk or a scholard 'e says, sarcastic like, 'I s'pose yer think yer goin' ter win the war! I gets me rag out an' tells 'im ter mind 'is own bleed'n' business. I tells 'im if I catch 'im lookin' rahnd agin I'll kill 'im!