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There's more real gentlemen a-mooching rahnd here in a day than a girl would have a chawnce of meeting in a awspital in a twelvemonth." Glory's very soul was sickening. The attentions of the men, their easy manners, their little liberties, their bows, their smiles, their compliments it was gall and wormwood to the girl's unbroken spirit.

An' any chawnce of a couple of men gittin' a bit er work to keep the blinkin' wolf from the door? Who'll tell us?" A slight silence followed this, a silence in which man looked at man, and then back again at the ginger-headed lady behind the bar. She raised her eyebrows and nodded, and then went off into little giggles that shook her plump figure. A big man at Cleek's left gave him the answer.

He claims to be the butler, and he's dressed to look the part. 'There ain't a minute to lose, he says. 'If you want a chawnce, my girl, come quick. He says 'chawnce' like a butler see? 'Pack your things, he tells her, 'and come right along with me. So she packs and hustles off with him Sam carrying her suit case. He puts her on a trolley and says, 'I guess I'll stay on the platform.

"Ah! and what do you think of the Uhlans?" He sniffed. "Rotten, sir! They never gives us a chawnce. They ain't no good except for lootin'. Regular 'ooligans. We charged 'em up near Mons, our orficer goin' ahead 'bout eight yards, and when we got up to 'em 'e drops back into our line.

There's always somebody as down't come, and they're glad of an extra turn to tyke the number if she's only clever enough to get a few 'ands. Going 'ome, dear?" "Yes," said Glory. "Where d'ye live?" said Aggie, and Glory told her. "I'll call for you Sunday night at eight, and if you down't tyke your chawnce when you get it, you're a foolisher woman than I thought you were, that's stright! By-bye!"

Only they 'aven't got a fair chawnce even to agitate fur their rights. As I wus comin' up ere, I 'eard a man sayin', "Look at this big crowd. W'y, we're all men! If the women want the vote, w'y ain't they here to s'y so?" Well, I'll tell you w'y. It's because they've 'ad to get the dinner fur you and me, and now they're washin' up dishes.

'Awkes, he's not going to give 'er the chawnce to turn 'im down." "Ach, Gott!" said Gretel. I will stake my head that she wrung her hands. "Women is funny," said Hawkes. While I 'aven't seen much of the Countess during my present engagement, I will say this: she has a lot more sense than people give 'er credit for.

She could sing and recite and imitate people. The man shrugged his shoulders. "My terms are two guineas down and ten per cent on salary." Glory rose to go. "That is impossible. I can not " "Vait a minute. How much have you got?" "Isn't that my business, sir?" "Touchy, ain't ye, miss? But if you mean bizness, I'll tyke a guinea and give you the first chawnce what comes in."

"It's the only chawnce they have had to cheer. Do let them make a little noise." "Yas," said his companion, "do. It isn't at all likely they will get another opportunity during this game." There were cheers for Merriwell, but Frank walked to the bench and put on his sweater as if utterly unconscious of the excitement he had created. His unconcerned manner won fresh admiration for him.

"'E wasn't goin' to give hup 'is chawnce at the bleedin' myte, not 'im! 'E 'ad a score to settle with that blighter, so 'e 'ad. The Nigger could 'arve the bloomin' second myte, that's wot." Nigger was so incensed he got up and left the foc'sle, leaving the last word to the spy.