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Yet this did not prevent him from seeing and denouncing the bloody extravagances of the Proconsuls, the representatives of Parisian authority in the provinces; nor from standing firm against the execution of the Seventy-Three, who had been bold enough to question the purgation of the National Convention on the Thirty-first of May.

And so Browning went back to Casa Guido. He had looked into the awful depths which Shakespeare had explored an agony of the mind beyond words, and beyond solution. The sense of pity and terror had been raised for which even the poet's art could find no purgation. What he said to the unhappy old man when he returned to Florence he did not tell us.

"Wine glasses!" whispered Homais. "If only we were in town, we could fall back upon stuffed trotters." "Be quiet! Sit down, doctor!" He thought fit, after the first few mouthfuls, to give some details as to the catastrophe. "We first had a feeling of siccity in the pharynx, then intolerable pains at the epigastrium, super purgation, coma." "But how did she poison herself?"

Praemia cum poscit medicus, Sathan est. We are angels when we come to cure devils when we ask payment but I will administer a purgation to his purse I warrant him. There is his brother too, a sordid chuff. So ho, there! Saunders Darlet! you have been ill, I hear?" "Just got the turn, as I was thinking to send to your honour, and I am brawly now again it was nae great thing that ailed me."

The preparatory course of exercises for admission to the mystic brotherhood has been described as a series of "purgation, starvation, and desperation," lasting for forty days! and ending in "physical regeneration" and an immortality on earth.

Aristotle's definition is as follows:<1> "Tragedy, then, is an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude; in language embellished with each kind of artistic ornament, the several kinds being found in separate parts of the play: in the form of action, not of narrative; through pity and fear effecting the proper purgation of these emotions."

And, candid theologian, tell me why in that Millenium so long looked-for, when, after a fiery purgation, this earth shall have its sabbath, and when those who for a time were "caught up into the air," descending again with their Lord and his ten thousand saints, shall bodily dwell with others risen in the flesh for that happy season on this renovated globe tell me why there should not be some tithe of the animal creation made to rise again to minister in pleasure, as they once ministered in pain?

But it will be desirable for common topics to be assumed from the case itself, if there is any room in it for expressions of indignation or complaint. XXI. The admission of the fact takes place, when the accused person does not justify the fact itself, but demands to be pardoned for it. And the parts of this division of the case are two: purgation and deprecation.

What chance was there after the purgation I was now suffering, that I should come out acquitted at last? What probability was there that the trial I had endured in the house of Mr. Falkland was not just as fair as any that might be expected to follow? No; I anticipated my own condemnation.

Genius but utters experiences common to us all, records perceptions of a world-order which we too have glimpsed. Love, hope, pain, sorrow, disappointment, often effect that momentary purgation which enables consciousness to function independently of the tyrant will. These hours have for us a noetic value "some veil did fall" revealing visions remembered even unto the hour of death.