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Updated: August 15, 2024

The king smiled, and, raising his arms to heaven, he exclaimed, with the mock pathos of a French tragedian: "O Dieu! qui douez les poetes De tant de sublime faveure; Ah, rendez vos graces parfaites, Et qu'ils soient un peu moins menteurs." "In trying to punish me for what you are pleased to call my falsehood, your majesty proves that I have spoken the truth," cried Voltaire, eagerly.

Au fond, ce n'est jamais le destin, c'est toujours la sagesse, qu'il attaque." And, on the preceding page, he says: "Observons que les poètes tragiques osent très rarement permettre au sage de paraître un moment sur la scène. Ils craignent une âme haute parce que les événements la craignent." Now it is this conception of life and of drama that we find in "Monna Vanna."

'Bearn and the Pyrenees, i. 348. THIERRY 'Historical Essays, No. Les Poetes du Peuple an xix. Siecle. Par Alphonse Viollet. Paris, 1846. 'Pilgrimage to Auvergne, ii. 210. During the next four years Jasmin composed no work of special importance. He occasionally wrote poetry, but chiefly on local subjects.

In 1664, the Journal de Louis Gorin de Saint Amour, a satirical work, was condemned, chiefly apparently because it contained the five propositions of Jansenius. In 1623, the Parlement of Paris condemned Théophile to be burnt with his book, Le Parnasse des Poètes Satyriques, but the author escaped with his burning in effigy, and with imprisonment in a dungeon.

Not his solemn historical droning under that title, but addressed "To the Cambrio-Britons on their harp." "Les poetes euxmemes s'animent et s'echauffent par la lecture des autres poetes. Messieurs de Malherbe, Corneille, &c., se disposoient au travail par la lecture des poetes qui etoient de leur gout." Vigneul, Marvilliana, I. 64, 65. For example, Waller had said,

It was an invention worthy of a poet, which I am." "Que les poètes thoient pendus," said Augustus John, with vigour and sincerity. "Ekthepting Homer and Tennython," he added, as if willing to be just to all men. "What for? they've done nothing to you." "Haven't they! But for them I need not watht my life in making Latin vertheth. The fighting, though, in Homer and Tennython I like."

The formation of the name -poeta- from the vulgar Greek poetes instead of poietes as epoesen was in use among the Attic potters is characteristic. Even subordinate figures from the legends of Troy and of Herakles niake their appearance, e. g.

There could, I think, be no sorer error. We need the unbalanced talents, the poètes damnés of every craft. They strew the passions that enrich a lordlier art than their own. They fight valiantly, a little at the expense of their fame, against the only unpardonable sins, stupidity and indifference. Greco should always be an honoured name in this ill-destined company."

The Poetes were wisemen, and wished in hart the redresse of things, the which when for feare, they durst not openly rebuke, they did in colours painte them out, and tolde men by shadowes what they should doe in good sooth, or els because the wicked were unworthy to heare the trueth, they spake so that none might understand but those unto whom they please to utter their meaning.

I was very indignant, and told him so, and said, "Est-ce que tous les poetes sont fous a cette heure de la soiree?" "Vous voyez," he retorted, "you are not only blasee; you are sarcastic." I enjoyed my dinner immensely in spite of being blasee, and Gautier's fun and amusing talk lasted until we were back in the salon. The Emperor approached us while we were still laughing, and began to talk to us.

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