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"What you propose," said the Cardinal, "is either a piece of theatrical tomfoolery, in which case it is unfit to be performed in a church, or it is flat treason, in which case you should be sent to the Tower!" They went away, like the Senatus of Augsburg from the presence of Napoleon "très mortifiés et peu contents."

Heathcock, you know, is as good as another man, A PEU PRES, for all those purposes; his father is dead, and left him a large estate. QUE VOULEZ VOUS? as the French valet said to me on the occasion. Lord Colambre could not help smiling. 'How they got Heathcock to fall in love is what puzzles me, said his lordship. 'I should as soon have thought of an oyster's falling in love as that being!

General de la Motterouge had fought in the Crimea: "Peu de feu et beaucoup de bayonette" had been his maxim then. But the Crimea was fifteen years earlier, and de la Motterouge was now an old man. Before the superior numbers and the perfectly drilled and equipped army of von der Tann, what could he do but retreat?

Nevertheless, I should have liked her better had she spared the allusion to the 'proper person' who is one day to forge a chain for my sister, to begin with." "Poh, poh; that is the mere squeamishness of a boy. I do not think her in the least pert or forward, and your construction would be tant soit peu vulgar." "Put your own construction on it, mon oncle; I do not like it."

Felton, and had a luncheon comme il y en a peu and wines of every degree: hock from Bremen, brought over by our mutual friend Mr. Jacob, and far too valuable for an ignoramus like me to swallow. Chevening? You are afraid we shall not have time to see Chantrey's monument. "O! but you must see it," said Mr. Jones, and so he and Dr.

"Vous êtes un peu agitée, ce matin, ma bonne Annette," she merely observed, when her maid had committed a blunder more material than common. "J'espère que Mademoiselle a été contente de moi, jusqu'

I married, when I was a mere child, M. Duval, in the wine trade at Bordeaux." "Ah, indeed!" said Graham, much disappointed, but looking at her with a keen, searching eye, which she met with a decided frankness. Evidently, in his judgment, she was speaking the truth. "You know English, I think, Madame," he resumed, addressing her in that language. "A leetle; speak un peu." "Only a little?"

"I see that you will print one of your books; you say that you will send me two hundred copies which I can sell at thirty sous each; that you will tell Zaguri and that he will advise those who wish copies to apply to me . . ." This book was the Lettre historico-critique sur un fait connu dependant d'une cause peu connue, adressee au duc de *, 1784. 3rd April 1784. 14th April 1784.

If I summed up the lessons of Louis in two expressions, they would be these; I do not hold him answerable for the words, but I will condense them after my own fashion in French, and then give them to you, expanded somewhat, in English: Formez toujours des idees nettes. Fuyez toujours les a peu pres. Always make sure that you form a distinct and clear idea of the matter you are considering.

The critical moment in Cézanne's life if in such a life one moment may without impertinence be thought more critical than another must have come somewhere about 1870. M. Vollard once asked him what he did during the war. "Ecoutez un peu, monsieur Vollard! Pendant la guerre j'ai beaucoup travaillé sur le motif