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Ce spectacle, que d'après sès préjugés monastiques, il croyoit imposant, et qui n'étoit que burlesque, ne produisit rien, pas même la risée du Tartare; et peu content sans doute d'un voyage très-inutile il revint en rendre compte au roi.

Deux jours après, me sentant un peu mieux, je partis dans la compagnie d'un Maure. Il me mena par le chemin de la marine (de l

Carpenter's explanation must either be that Delacourt lied; or that a tradition, surviving from savagery, and enforced by the example of the Bishop of Tilopolis, made a missionary, un peu incredule, as he says, believe that he saw, and watched for half an hour, a phenomenon which he never saw at all. But then Dr.

Duncan acknowledged the compliment, when Montcalm, turning to his guard, which in imitation of that of their enemies, pressed close upon him, continued: "En arriere, mes enfants il fait chaud -retirez-vous un peu."

He spoke but little at first to his new companions, but listened to pick up their characters. Neither his noble Servant nor his servants could read or write; and as he often made entries in his tablets, he impressed them with some awe. One of his entries was, "Le peu que sont les hommes."

After that he got the peu, the habit, of departing for the mountains and remaining for hours daily. So she followed him secretly. She came to the mountain, where she saw him stop by an umu, a native oven he had evidently built before. He took out a bamboo, the kind in which we cooked small pieces of meat, and she saw him draw out a piece of meat and heard him say 'Maitai! Good! as he ate it.

He will only give you what love he can spare from himself, for he is his own most cherished treasure. And it will be as, a few hours later, you whisper to yourself, pulling the petals from a white daisy "un peu beaucoup point du tout:" a little yesterday, intense to-day, and none at all to-morrow. Constance and Kent saw a good deal of each other during her visit to Westminster.

«Peu de ces masses m'ont présenté un spectacle plus beau et plus imposant que celles que l'on rencontre

Everybody knows all about the night's accessories 'ses odeurs, ses voix, ses voluptés molles'; and what a relief it is to be spared, for once in a way, an elaborate expatiation upon them! And Beyle is perpetually evoking the gratitude of his readers in this way. 'Comme il insiste peu! as M. Gide exclaims. Perhaps the best test of a man's intelligence is his capacity for making a summary.

Please tell Madame Olenska that we shall all feel lost when she abandons our street. This house has been an oasis." "Ah, but she won't abandon YOU. Poetry and art are the breath of life to her. It IS poetry you write, Mr. Winsett?" "Well, no; but I sometimes read it," said Winsett, including the group in a general nod and slipping out of the room. "A caustic spirit un peu sauvage.