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We soon left the path and took to the ice; and after wandering amongst the crevices UN PEU, to admire the wonders of these deep blue caverns, and hear the rushing of waters through their subglacial channels, we struck out a course toward L'AUTRE CÔTE and crossed the glacier successfully, a little above the cave from which the infant Rhone takes its first bound from under the grand precipice of ice.

These musings of the Major led him up to the question of his employer's false name, as he swept down to the nearby Montreux station. "She evidently had traced the child to Switzerland, and was upon a still hunt to find out the home of the growing heiress, and, for what purpose? Ah! One day after another," he pleasantly exclaimed, as he saw the artist awaiting him. "Peu apeu I'oiseau fait son nid."

Mary actually laughed; whether it was at my words, or at the somewhat comical manner I had assumed a manner in which simplicity was tant soit peu blended with irony I shall not pretend to say. As for the father, his simplicity was of proof; and, after civilly waiting until my interruption was done, he resumed what he had been on the point of saying.

Maltravers thought it a bad sign, but he recollected Gil Blas, and prudently refrained from bringing on himself the benevolent wish of "beaucoup de bonheur et un peu, plus de bon gout." When Cesarini had finished his MS., he was anxious to conclude the excursion he longed to be at home, and think over the admiration he had excited.

Vous les verriez nos p'tits soldats, J'vous assure qu'ils seraient un peu l

And so the complaisant but still considerate valet bowed himself out of a dilemma, that he found, as he muttered to himself, while retiring, 'tant soit peu ennuyant. The air and manner of the Alderman, as he approached his guest, were, like the character of the man, hale, hearty and a little occupied with his own enjoyments and feelings.

'You don't care for going on a launch, then? She was slow in answering, and then she spoke slowly. 'No, she said. 'I can't say that I do. Her colour was high, she seemed angry about something. 'Un peu trop de monde, said Ursula, explaining. 'Eh? TROP DE MONDE! He laughed shortly. 'Yes there's a fair number of 'em. Gudrun turned on him brilliantly.

"From Paris," she answered him serenely. "I'm Arithelli of the Hippodrome." There was a girlish pride in her accents, and she looked at him sideways to observe the effect of her announcement. "Ma foi! So it's that, is it? Then I've heard something about you. I know the Manager pretty well. He said you were un peu bizarre." "Peut être plus qu'un peu," Arithelli retorted quickly.

When I tell her that won't do and that a great actress can never be anything but a great vagabond, then the dear old thing has tantrums, and we have scenes the most grotesque: they'd make the fortune, for a subject, of some play-writing rascal, if he had the wit to guess them; which, luckily for us perhaps, he never will. She usually winds up by protesting devinez un peu quoi!" Miriam added.

By Jove though, it was the rarest piece of impudence I ever heard of; hoaxing a crowned head, quizzing one of the Lord's anointed is un peu trop fort." "If you really do not wish to render me insane at once, for the love of mercy say, in plain terms, what all this means."