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Eh, Smaltz? Ain't I right?" Smaltz, who was stooping over, did not immediately look up. Bruce saw an odd expression cross his face an expression that was something like derision. When he felt Bruce looking at him it vanished instantly and he straightened up. "Why, yes," with his customary grin, "looks like we orter make a start."

"We're finding in this yere piece, out o' which the Kernel hes just bin a-quotin', some language that me and my pardners allow hadn't orter be read out afore a young lady in court, and we want to know of you ez a fa'r-minded and impartial man ef this is the reg'lar kind o' book given to gals and babies down at the meetin'-house."

I never was took so suddin in all me life." "I wonder you didn't have your dinner in the Carlton Hotel, Sarah." "So I would 'a' done if I'd hev bed time ter chinge me dress. You orter know, Dook, as no lidy ever goes inter them plices in wot she's bin a wearin' afore she cleaned herself. I'ad ter go ter Marlborough 'Ouse ter tell the Prince of Wales, and that's wot kept me."

"Gee! you'd orter hear him, Lucien," he said to Simmons' office boy one afternoon. "He's a Dago but he's white. He gets leaning over the side of a wagon and he waves his arms till you'd think he'd shake them off, and all the time he's spitten' out words so blamed fast you'd wonder his tongue don't drop off. 'Ladies and der Gents, he says, 'dis is de pr'r'oudest minnit of me life.

"Harry," said Professor Henderson, gravely, "how often have I told you not to be so unmannerly?" "He orter be whipped," said the old lady. "Ef I had a boy that was so sassy, I'd larn him manners!" "I'm glad I ain't your boy," Harry appeared to reply. "I declare I won't ride another step if you let him insult me so," said the old woman, glaring at our hero.

Wiggs had been keepin' company with me fer 'bout two weeks he drove up one night with a load of coal an' kindlin', an' called pa out to the fence. 'Mr. Smoot, sez he, 'as long as I am courtin' your daughter, I think I orter furnish the fire to do it by. Ef you don't mind, sez he, 'I'll jes' put this wagon-load of fuel in the coal-house.

"I'm too big to peddle papers or be runnin' about with telergrafs," he declared. "I'd orter be goin' into business on my own account. I ain't goin' ter be allers workin' fer other folks." "Well, you'll have to wait a while before you can work for yourself," counselled his confidant. "You are young yet."

And he went back to his pallet on the floor. When the rescuers reached the ground the Superior Being delivered himself of some very sulphurous oaths, intended to express his abhorrence of "idees." "There's that air blamed etarnal infarnal nateral born eejiot'll die in Stillwater penitensh'ry jest fer idees. Orter go to a 'sylum." But the Poet went off dejectedly to his lone cabin on the prairie.

Here's a sandwich, some chicken, salid, jell, two kinds of cake, and some ice- cream fer you. Bud can hev first pick now, 'cause he ain't so strong as the rest of you. All right, Bud; take the rest of the ice-cream and some cake." "'Tain't fair! I'm a girl, and I'm younger than Bud. I'd orter choose first," sobbed Cory. "Shut up, Co!

Jenkins. "We'd orter hev ice-cream and pie every day," reproached Cory. "It would be reckoned a purty big salary if one man got it all," speculated the Boarder. "We are rich!" exclaimed Bobby decisively. "I'll tell you what we'll do," pursued Amarilly. "We must start a syndicate." "What's that, a show?" demanded Flamingus. "No; I heard the artists down to the studio talking about it, and Mr.