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He'd said it every spring fer a number er years, and I didn't mind it no more'n the breakin' up er the river; not so much, jest then; fer the gret spring drive was comin' on, and my hands was tew full to quit work all tew oncet. I sent word I'd be 'long 'fore a gret while, and byme-by I went.

The director nodded. He was wondering how much he would have to raise this young man's salary to hold him from rival companies. "Sho! I just fell out of the saddle, Frank. Most any one can fall off a horse." Harrison laughed spitefully. "I saw him do a better fall than that oncet." Farrar was on the spot. "I saw you do a mighty good one the same day."

"This'll cure her, ef ennything will," she said, as she entered the room again; but her heart sank as she saw Ramona's eyes roving restlessly over Felipe's face, no sign of recognition in them. "She's bad," she said, her lips trembling; "but, 'never say die! ez allers our motto; 'tain't never tew late fur ennything but oncet, 'n' yer can't tell when thet time's come till it's past 'n' gone."

"You certainly are a what-do-you-call-'em!" thought Margaret but she gravely repeated, "An eclectic," and wrote the name in the blank space. "And here I've been practisin' that there style of medicine fur fifteen years without oncet suspicioning it!

"I have here," he said impressively, "an important dokiment, Teacher, concerning of which I desire to consult you perfessionally." "Yes?" "You just stay settin'; I'll fetch a chair and set aside of you and show it to you oncet."

If we could see the last of that man Didenhover oncet, I'd take hold of the plough myself and see if I couldn't make a living out of it! I don't believe the world would go now, Fleda, if it wa'n't for women. I never see three men yet that didn't try me more than they were worth." "Patience, Barby!" said Fleda smiling. "Let us take things quietly."

Because sometimes you arrive where you are going to partly smeared over the trucks and in no condition fur to be made welcome to our city, as Doctor Kirby would say. Sometimes you don't arrive. Every oncet in a while you read a little piece in a newspaper about a man being found alongside the tracks, considerable cut up, or laying right acrost them, mebby.

James. I will. If I cotch you nearer than Mile End, I'll give you in charge at oncet. He's a humbug, daddy! but he'll serve you right. He'll melt you down for taller. He ain't no 'tective. I know him. Tho. Goo away. Bill. Good-bye, daddy! He don't know your Mattie. Good-bye, skelington! Exit. Tho. Eh! sech a boy! James. Let me see. You want a girl of the name of Mattie? Tho. Aw do, sir. James.

At which point Moran, game in the face of horror, accepted the inevitable. He gave a characteristic jerk from the belt. "Me, I'll try anything oncet. Lead me to it." The elevator stopped at the ninth floor. "Out here for the jackies' dance," said the elevator boy. The two stepped out with the others. Stepped out gingerly, caps in hand. A corridor full of women. A corridor a-flutter with girls.

"Boys, be quiet!" I commanded. "He said his eye was swole worse 'an mine oncet," cried Daniel. His good eye was blazing, his shoulders were squared back, and his fists were clenched. There was no sign of a snuffle about him now. Heaven, but he looked fine! All this time I had wronged Daniel. I had only known him as he crawled to me broken and bruised after the conflict.