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"You're a cute little fella," murmured Roger, nuzzling the kitten against his chin. "But you almost got blasted." "Guard! Stand to!" Startled, Roger whirled around to see Firehouse Tim behind him, his battered and beaten face clouded with rage. "Drop that animal at once," the petty officer roared.

Blair, hungry and sleepy and evidently frightened, was nuzzling up against Mrs. Richie, catching at her hand and trying to hide behind her skirts; he looked furtively at his mother, but he would not meet her eye. "Blair," she said, "go to bed." "Nannie and me want some supper," said Blair in a whisper. "You won't get any.

To Ann's astonishment, the mare, dripping with the sweat of sheer exhaustion, her coat striped with the hiding Brett had given her, pushed her head forward, nuzzling his sleeve. "She bolted the first time for her own amusement," he continued. "The second gallop was for mine" grimly. "Don't you see, she'd have bolted again whenever the fit took her if I hadn't punished her.

It might now have been about three o'clock, and I was standing on the aftermost gun on the starboard side, peering into the impervious darkness over the tafferel, with my dear old dog Sneezer by my side, nuzzling and fondling after his affectionate fashion, while the pilot, Peter Mangrove, stood within handspike length of me.

And the woodsman, watching with eager interest from the cliffs, muttered: "Take to it, ye old bug-eater! Ther' ain't nawthin' else left fer ye to do'!" This was apparently the conclusion of the old bear herself; for now, after licking and nuzzling the cub for a few seconds till he stood up, she stepped boldly off the rock and started out over the coppery flats.

Sam rose and joined his friend in the doorway opening upon the two stalls. Whitey had preëmpted the nearer, and was hungrily nuzzling the old frayed hollows in the manger. "May be a hundred dollars or sumpthing?" Sam asked in a low voice. Penrod maintained his composure and repeated the new-found expression which had sounded well to him a moment before.

This was the inscrutable perfect answer. "Cripes!" said the puzzled tramp, as he caressed the nuzzling head. "The purp's loco. Maybe he's been lost. You might think he'd never seen a man before." He was right. And Gissing sat quietly, his throat resting upon the soiled knee of a very old and spicy trouser. "I have found God," he said. Presently he thought of the ship.

But some may look upon that as mere foolishness, and may quote against me M. La Fontaine's fable about the fox and the grapes. I do not mind. Their grapes ripened and were gathered, and mine are in the ripening. Sercq, in the distance, looks like a great whale basking on the surface of the sea and nuzzling its young.

They have desthroyed me with all the things they're afther tellin' me to do." "We won't tell you a thing, Murty except that he's looking splendid," Norah said, stroking Shannon's nose, to which the horse responded by nuzzling round her pocket in search of an apple. "No, I can't give you one, old man I wouldn't dare. But you shall have one after the race, whether you win or not, can't he, Murty?"

Robin stood, hot, excited, and panting; the herd-boy threw himself down on his chest, rested his chin upon his hands, as he stared fiercely at Robin, and kicked his feet up and down; while the pigs roamed here and there, nuzzling the fallen acorns out from the bracken, and crunching them up loudly.