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Bobby's nose too was bleeding, and a huge red bump was swelling on his forehead when finally he was freed. However, he was not even aware of those trifles. "Don't you know those two screws " he began eagerly to Johnny. But that young gentleman, panting, was not yet emerged from the red haze of combat. "I licked!" he cried. "Didn't I lick? He quit! He hollered 'nuff, didn't he?

"It's as dange'ous as a gun, and a gun is dange'ous widout lock, stock, er bairl: I knowed a man oncet w'at beat 'is wife ter def wid a ramrod, an' wuz hung fer it in a' ole fiel' down by de ha'nted house. Dat gun couldn't hol' powder ner shot, but was dange'ous 'nuff ter kill two folks. So you jes' better keep 'way f'm dat railroad track, chile."

"I don't fo' suah know wedder he does or not," returned the darkey, scratching his head "Ye see, it's a suah 'nuff longitudinous name, an' I dunno wedder he remembers it all, or not." "He's got a bad memory; has he?" said Mark, turning to smile at Washington White, too, for Professor Henderson's old servant usually afforded the boys much amusement.

Den Missy S'wanee go back to de missus, an' Missy Roberta go to her room. "Now was my chance, an' I tuck off'n my shoes an' carried dem, an' I tank de Lord I heared it all, fer I says, 'Cap'n Lane'll give me my liberty now sho' 'nuff, when I tells him all. I'se felt sho' he'd win de fight in de mawnin', fer he seemed ob de winnin' kine.

You go to heav' sure 'nuff, and you' fath' come to you there by-an'-by. He never been steal or lie; he on'y get drunk. Don' you be 'fraid 'bout dat, Ati, dear. An' you will see yo' mother, too.

As Uncle Remus says who has some keen knowledge of animal ways under his story-telling humor "Brer B'ar, he scramble 'bout half-way down de bee tree, en den he turn eve'ything loose en hit de groun' kerbiff! Look like 't wuz nuff ter jolt de life out'n 'im."

An' massa, he say, `Go' nuffin more; only `Go; but ob course das nuff for me, so I hoed; an' now we're bof goin'." At this point in the conversation they came to a place where the road forked. Here they met a number of Arabs, hasting towards the town in a somewhat excited frame of mind.

"Somebody ort to tell her that he's only a preacher, an' she'll only throw herself away ef she takes him. Ef any stranger wuz to insult her, Dominie wouldn't be man 'nuff to draw on him." "Beats thunder, though!" sighed Redbank, "how them preachers kin take folks in.

"It's warm 'nuff here," Donaldson answered genially. "Maybe ye 've gut more on than I have." "Hush, Deacon, there are ladies present." "They ain't neither, down here. Our women are in bed, where they oughter be." "Not at this hour! Why, the evening is young yet. But how much will you take?" "Wal, th' place is wuth 'bout two thousand dollars."

No man answered, and Trooper Peerson looked at the face of no man, nor any one at any other. "No. I thought not. Well, I have a letter addressed in that objurgatory term, and I am going to place it beneath my pillow before I go out to-night. If it is there when I come in I'll destroy it unopened. 'Nuff said, as the lady remarked when she put the mop in her husband's mouth.