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"The' was some things on the hoss, Squire, that the man he ketched said he did n' care no gre't abaout; but perhaps you'd like to have 'em fetched to the mansion-haouse. Ef y' did n' care abaout 'em, though, I should n' min' keepin' on 'em; they might come handy some time or 'nother; they say, holt on t' anything for ten year 'n' there 'll be some kin' o' use for 't."

"Uncle Shad, what are you talking about? Cruise in the best water?" "That's what I said. You ought to mix with the best folks and get a fine education and meet somebody besides drummers and and Sol Higgins's son. Selling coffins may be a good job, I don't say 'tain't; somebody's got to do it and we'll all have to invest in that kind of er furniture sometime or 'nother.

"I was good-natered agin by that time, an' I sez, larfin' along with her, 'Waal I've got three mittens, but I guess I might's waal hev 'nother, and that will make two pair complete. Say, Bewlah, will yeou hev me? "'Yes, I will, sez she. "'Reelly? sez I. "'Solemn trew, sez she.

It was worth two shillin' to go for that; there, hyste it up and in with you." "Hoist the ladder by myself?" "Yes, it's easy enough. Bottom's heavy and top's light. Shall I do it?" "Yes, quickly." "'Nother shillin'. I arn't going to have nothing to do with it, and so I tell yer, without." "I wish you wouldn't speak so loudly," whispered Sam impatiently. "Yah! go on! nobody can't hear us.

They don't know much, but they obey orders, an' their orders is to shoot anybody what ain't goin' our way. Ye've got a chance, marchin' straight on an' takin' the city; ye ain't gut the ghost of a chance, if ye don't take the city er if ye fergits the way and starts back towards the ship. 'Nother thing; hold tergether. It ain't pleasant fer a man caught by hisself in Bogova.

Lobsters he's after." "Whose boy is he?" said I. "Why, Andrer's, up here to the fish-house. She's dead, and him and the boy get along together somehow or 'nother. They've both got something saved up, and Andrer's a clever fellow; took it very hard, losing his wife. I was telling of him the other day: 'Andrer, says I, 'ye ought to look up somebody or 'nother, and not live this way.

When it was firmly placed in the ground in a nice little puddle of water, and the earth pressed tightly about its roots, Margery stood back and gazed at it contentedly. "I think it looks lovely there, don't you, daddy? and you see I've got my daisy and a marigold in my garden, so I have plenty; and p'raps I'll get something more 'nother day."

"Nay, then, say raither to the dog that turned it," said Dick Varley. "But for Crusoe, that buck would ha' bin couched in the woods this night." "Oh! if it comes to that," retorted Joe, "I'd lay it to the door o' Fan, for if she'd niver bin born nother would Crusoe. But it's good an' tender meat, whativer ways ye got it. Howsiver, I've other things to talk about jist now.

I know where there's a tub, and where they aint usin' it, nother, and I reckon I can get 'em to let me have it I reckon I can; and I'll go round for't and fetch it here to-morrow mornin' when I come with the team. 'Twont be much out of my way. It's more handier to leave the sugarin' off till the next day; and it had ought to have a settlin' besides.

Sais I, 'that's a likely beast of yourn, Elder, and I opened her mouth, and took a look at her, and no easy matter nother, I tell you, for she held on like a bear trap, with her jaws. "'She won't suit you, sais he, "with a smile, 'Mr. Slick. "'I guess not, sais I. "'But she'll jist suit the French, sais he.