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Updated: August 8, 2024

"I am so glad you were in time," she said. "I told Neil not to do it, but he was determined and wouldn't listen to me." "You might have tried 'bossing' him," suggested Hollis, remembering his range boss's words on the occasion of his first meeting with Norton's wife. He looked straight at Norton, his eyes narrowing quizzically. "You know you told me once that "

"My dear mother, if there is one thing more than another I dislike, it is a feather-bed. I should not be able to close my eyes; I beg of you to have it taken away." Mrs Norton's face flushed. "I cannot understand, John; it is absurd to say that you cannot sleep on a feather-bed. Mr Hare told me you complained of insomnia, and there is no surer way of losing your health.

Norton's eyes flashed with a sudden determination. "I don't reckon that the Kicker will miss fire," he declared; "not if I have to go to Dry Bottom an' get her out myself!" Ace eyed him furtively and now spoke with an embarrassed self-consciousness.

The thought crossed Hollis's mind that the buckboard that he had seen in front of a store soon after leaving the station must have been Norton's. But now Norton was speaking again and Hollis listened. "Dropped into the Fashion to see my friend Red Eggers," resumed Norton, smiling broadly.

Tom Cutter, Rod Norton's deputy, had gone in the early morning to Mesa Verde, and would probably return in the cool of the evening. Frowning, Norton made the best of the situation, and to gain his purpose called four men out of the crowd. "I want you boys to do me a favor," he said. "Antone, come here."

There were grim lines about Norton's mouth, his quiet voice had an ominous ring to it. "Hell's to pay, Julius," he retorted. "And there's little telling where it'll end unless we're on the jump to meet it. Galloway's come out into the open.

"Don Luis de Mendoza?" repeated Norton, with a startled exclamation. "Why, he was an influential Peruvian, a man of affairs in his country, and an accomplished scholar. I I if you don't mind, I'd like to go over with you. I know the Mendozas." Kennedy was watching Norton's face keenly. "I think I'll go, too, Walter," he decided. "You won't lack assistants on this story, apparently."

Frank held the Second in Command in high respect, for he knew him to be an exceptionally good soldier and a gentleman in every sense of the word. Had he so disgraced himself then that Hepburn considered the Colonel's action justified? But how? He shifted uneasily in his chair and his eyes fell on Mrs. Norton's portrait. At the sight of it his Company Commander's advice to him about her and Mrs.

"The first meeting of the Dante Club Redivivus is on Wednesday next. Come and be bored. Please not to mention the subject to any one yet awhile, as we are going to be very quiet about it." "January, 1867. Dante Club at Longfellow's again. They are revising the whole book with the minutest care. Lowell's accuracy is surprising and of great value to the work; also Norton's criticisms.

The package was no doubt safely hidden in a corner he could not quickly find. No he must wait, and watch. "Good-by, until dinner," he said, "and may you find much in your wise companion's book to justify your conduct." He went out through the open window, and in another moment stood just outside Miss Norton's room. She put a startled head out at his knock. "Oh, it's you," she said.

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