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When coffee was poured, Private Tom Clary arose, and, holding up his tin cup, said to his comrades: "Here's a toast to be drunk standin', b'ys, and for many raysons, which I think nade not be explained to this assimbly, I'm glad to drink it in a decoction whose principal ingraydiant is wather. Here's to Mr.

Then when they wuz goin' the littlest wan put a dollar in me hand an' sez, 'It's all we got bechuxst us, Granny. 'Godbless ye, sez Oi, 'an' Oi take it kindly. It's the first Oi seen sense apple harvest, an' it's a friend ye hev in me whin ye nade wan," and the old woman chuckled over her victory.

This locomotive engineer's been doing railway building for half a day; and if ye could do my job as well as I can do yours, Torrance, there'd be no nade o' the two of us. If I had a rowdy, dyed-in-the-wool mob like them under me I'd shoot the lot and have a better stand in with St. Peter than I'm going to have as an engineer.

She now unbolted the door, the danger being at an end, and went up to acquaint Phil with the good news. "You may come down now," she said. "Is he gone?" inquired Phil. "Shure he's runnin' up the street as fast as his legs can carry him." "Thank you for saving me from him," said, Phil, with a great sense of relief at the flight of his enemy. "Whisht now; I don't nade any thanks.

"Tim, you know the regular trail to the fort as well as the way to your own bedroom. I want you to set out to meet Warren, and prevent his running into the hands of the Sioux." "Whin would ye like me to start?" "Now." "I'm riddy and waiting to ride to me death for the boy, if nade be."

"Stand aside," he said curtly. "Oh, ho! ye will lave widout properly apologizin' for yer outrageous conduc' will ye? 'Tis an ambulance that ye'll nade to take ye home whin I've taught ye manners, ye danged yellow-legged cock-a-doodle!"

It's such a praist, as the likes of yees has no nade of throubling! Yer conscience is aisy, Misther Straddle, so that yer belly is filled, and yer wages is paid. Bad luck o sich religion!" The allusion of Joel related to a practice of Michael's that is deserving of notice.

Ye show yer good judgmint in surrunderin' to th' girruls, fer wan av thim alone wud capture yez av she set out to, an' ould Nick take th' countysoign she wudn't nade it!" Next the country lad was invited to sing, "to develop his vocal organs." "Oh, say!" he awkwardly grinned. "I can't sing I really can't, by gum!" "Oh, you vos too modest alretty yet," declared Hans.

Sure I nade something softer soon or I'll get as tough as a railway contractor. I suppose ye'd call it a soft job running a train where a herd of no, ye didn't hear what I called them, Miss Tressa where a filthy, low-down gang of craters dressed up like men and walking on their hind legs, is running loose. Lifted about four miles of rail, they did.

"Liftinant!" exclaimed Sweeny, "thim naygurs up there is washin' their dirty hides an' pourin' the suds down on us." "It's the rain, Sweeny. There's a shower on the plateau above." "The rain, is it? Thin all nate people in that counthry must stand in great nade of ombrellys." The scene was more marvellous than ever.