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There may have been raysons satisfyin' to her own mind, but she nivver convinced me that it was Christian conduct on her part. So I wint with the Rile Irish, and fought fer the Widdy.

"I do not like ye. I kape me raysons to meself. It is sufficient. But take this to heart, an' take it well: should ye be mad enough to make her yer wife, iv that damned day ye'll niver see the inding, nor lay eye upon the bridal bed. Why, man, I cud bate ye to death with me two fists if need be. But it's to be hoped I'll do a nater job. Rest aisy. I promise ye." "You Irish pig!"

In the riuer of Euphrates from Birra to Felugia there be certaine places where you pay custome, so many Medines for a some or Camels lading, and certaine raysons and sope, which is for the sonnes of Aborise, which is Lord of the Arabians and all that great desert, and hath some villages vpon the riuer.

It is not a despicable or very ascetic regimen which Stevenson lays before us under April in his reproduction of Breton's "Fantasticks," 1626, under the title of the "Twelve Months," 1661: "The wholesome dyet that breeds good sanguine juyce, such as pullets, capons, sucking veal, beef not above three years Old, a draught of morning milk fasting from the cow; grapes, raysons, and figs be good before meat; Rice with Almond Milk, birds of the Field, Peasants and Partridges, and fishes of stony rivers, Hen eggs potcht, and such like."

Then he turned to the trader. "Morley," he said quietly, "yu're not a talker, I know, but anyways! . . . I ask ye now . . . ye'll oblige me by shpakin' av this tu no man yet awhiles. . . . I have me raysons onnershtand?" The eyes of the two men met, and question and answer were silently exchanged in that one significant look. MacDavid nodded brief acquiescence to the others request.

When coffee was poured, Private Tom Clary arose, and, holding up his tin cup, said to his comrades: "Here's a toast to be drunk standin', b'ys, and for many raysons, which I think nade not be explained to this assimbly, I'm glad to drink it in a decoction whose principal ingraydiant is wather. Here's to Mr.

"Wal about this Schmitt, here; thar wuz two detectives come out from Noo Yorrk from the Fideral phad'ye call it. They wuz making inquiries about Schmitt. Fer th' wan thing he wuz an aly-an, 'n' they hed some raysons to think he wuz mixed up in plots. They wuz mighty close-mouthed about it, so I heerd, 'n' they asked more'n they told.