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"I come over to borry a hoss fur a week or two. Our old nag fell offen the bluff an' killed hisse'f." "That was ruther accommodatin', Laz. You would a been compelled to haul him away in a day or two longer. But you want to borry a hoss for a week or two? Don't you think you mout keep him a leetle longer?" "Yes, mout on a pinch." "Got any corn to feed him on?" Laz began to scratch his head.

I mout hev had MY idees about Cress, you mout hev had YOURS, and that fool Dabney mout hev had HIS; but it warn't the old woman's nor Cressy's it warn't Blair Rawlins' darter's idea nor yet HER darter's! And why? For want o' kam! Times I reckon it was left out o' woman's nater. And bein' kam yourself, you understand it, and take it all in."

Bill," retorted the passenger, slightly nettled by the tittering of his companions. "Then what did you put out the lights for?" "Well," returned Bill, grimly, "it mout have been because I didn't keer to hev you chaps blazin' away at the first bush you thought you saw move in your skeer, and bringin' down their fire on us."

"You no lak' you git find, dat better you don' talk mooch. You ain' got to sing no mor', neider, or ba Goss! A'm tak' you down an' stick you mout' full of rags, lak' I done down to Chinook dat tam'. Dat hooch she mak' noise 'nough for wan night, sabe?" "That's right, Bat. Tombstones and oysters is plumb raucous institutions to what I'll be from now on."

He was looking over David's shoulder. He seemed not to have heard what the other had said, yet there had come a sudden gleam of exultation in his eyes, and he replied, still gazing toward the raft, "Diantre, m'sieu coq de bruyere may keep ze beeg word in hees mout'! See! St. Pierre, he ees comin' to answer for himself.

"She's your fiance, I suppose," Tom remarked, winking at his aunt. "I don't know whut you mean, but she ain't my nuthin' it don't seem like." "I mean you are engaged to her." "Don't look much like it. Told her ef she'd meet me over here we mout be. Reckon her not comin' is a hint that she ain't agreeable to the p'int. How air you an' Lou a gittin' along?"

It could not agree; it wanted information. Both lawyers supplied it in abundance. The foreman, who happened to be next the rail against which the newcomer was leaning, cast on him a quizzical eye. "Stranger," said he, "mout you be able to make head er tail of all that air?" The other shook his head. "I'm plumb distracted to know what to do; and dear knows we all want to git shet of this job.

Howsomever " Bas rose and took up his hat, "I writ ter ye because I 'lowed a man ought ter aid ther law ef so be he could. Es fer my own perils, I hain't none terrified over 'em. I 'lowed I mout be able ter holp ye, thet's all." "I'm obleeged ter ye," said Turk again, "ye've already holped me in givin' us ther word of his wh'arabouts. I reckon I don't need ter tax ye no further.

"Here," she said, giving him two small packages, "'is some quinine and some calomy. Tell yo' granny not to take too much of the calomy. Mout salavater her." "Yes'm. But it won't m m m m make any diffunce with granny w w w wuther she's s s s salivated or not. She ain't got no teeth. And b b b besides, she likes the quinine better.

He was as garrulous as a magpie, and as opinionated as a Southern white always is. Halting in front of our car, he steadied himself by planting his staff, clasping it with both lean and skinny hands, and leaning forward upon it, his jaws then addressed themselves to motion thus: "Boys, who mout these be that ye got?"