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Updated: August 19, 2024

"'Co'se dey ain't no ghosts," say' Zack Badget, whut dat 'fear'd ob ghosts he ain't dar' come to li'l' black Mose's house ef de school-teacher ain't ercompany him. "Go 'long wid your ghosts!" say' li'l' black Mose's ma. "What' yo' pick up dat nomsense?" say' he pa. "Dey ain't no ghosts." An' dat whut all dat s'prise-party 'low: dey ain't no ghosts.

Suddenly I heard, as on the night of my arrival, the soft creaking of the French window in the library, which opened on to the veranda just below me. Quickly alert, I leaned forward determined to learn if possible the reason for Mose's midnight wanderings. To my astonishment it was Radnor who stepped out from the shadow of the house, carrying a large black bundle in his arms.

"I can at least prove an alibi," he said. "You can swear that I was not Mose's devil." He remained silent a moment with his elbows on his knees and his chin in his hands studying the floor; then he raised his eyes to mine with a puzzled shake of the head. "No, Arnold, I haven't the slightest suspicion as to who took those securities. I can't make it out.

It was Gabe Johnson who saw that the wraps were still about Mose's wrists, but it was Old Man Curry who chuckled to himself as the horses passed the paddock gate, and it was Shanghai, Curry's negro hostler, who began to count tickets on General Duval. "The old nigger's horse is going to be there or thereabouts to-day," commented the presiding judge. "Just about there or thereabouts.

It's strange that you should be the only one in the house who could sleep through it." "Sleep through what? I don't know what you're talking about." I cut in hastily and explained our adventure with Mose's ha'nt. Radnor listened with troubled eyes but made no comment at the end.

While he drove him to the station he left Mose behind to straighten up the loft; and Mose, coming into the house to put some things away, met ghost number two just after he had robbed the safe. If Mose's eyes looked as they did to-day I fancy the fright was mutual. The ghost, in his excitement, dropped one package of papers, but bolted with the rest.

Under Mose's care Sam made more rapid progress and soon was able to go out in a sedan-chair, borne by three men, like a mandarin. The winter passed away and spring was about to set in. There was no prospect of active service in Porsslania, the Powers being unable to agree upon any policy. The Emperor had already gone home, and the various armies were much reduced in strength.

He ceased to imprecate only when, by repetition, his oaths became too inexpressive to be worth while. Mose's heart was boyishly tender for any animal, and to see the gentle creatures mangled, writhing and tumbling, uttering most piteous cries, touched him so deeply that he wept.

Evidently Sir Philip judged discretion better than valor, and the behavior of the two animals afforded the family much amusement. Thus deserted of all society save his own thoughts, Monty fixed a keener attention upon the slowly advancing pair, and presently exclaimed: "F-f-fudge! Somethin's happened. Uncle Mose's leanin' on her; she's a h-h-helpin' him! She's a w-w-w-wav-in' to me like blazes!

To my disappointment the morning still brought no news; I had hoped to have something definite before the inquest opened. I rode into Kennisburg early in order to hold a conference with Radnor, and get from him the facts in regard to his own and Mose's connection with the ha'nt.

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