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Updated: August 19, 2024

"Whoa, there, Wild Cat," called the rancher, as the wicked eyes began to roll. "He'll get usen to ye after a day or two," he said reassuringly. Mose's horsemanship was on trial, and though nervous and white, he led the pinto out and prepared to mount. "If he wants to gambol a little, just let him go, only keep his head up," said Reynolds with careless glance.

A man of Mose's habits could hide pretty effectually in those woods if he chose." He scanned the hills again and then brought his eyes back to the village. "I suppose we might as well go on to the hotel first. I should like to interview some of the people there. And by the way," he added, "it's as well not to let them know I'm a friend of yours or a newspaper man either.

"'Co'se dey ain't no ghosts," say Zack Badget, whut dat 'feared ob ghosts he ain't dar' come to li'l black Mose's house ef de school-teacher ain't ercompany him. "Go 'long wid your ghosts!" say li'l black Mose's ma. "Wha' yo' pick up dat nonsense?" say he pa. "Dey ain't no ghosts." An' dat whut all dat s'prise-party 'lows: dey ain't no ghosts.

"Oh, to h l with that, I'm no packer," growled Dan. "I try that," said Mose; "I let nothing get away to-day." "Entrance fee one dollar." "Here you are." Mose tossed a dollar. "Then 'roping and holding contest." "Now you're talking my business," exclaimed Dan. "There are others," said Mose. Dan turned a contemptuous look on the speaker but changed his expression as he met Mose's eyes.

Till then the oddity of a full jug of whisky in Mose's kitchen after at least twenty-four hours must have elapsed since its arrival, had not occurred to him. He had been too preoccupied with his own fight to think much about Mose. "Shay, I never took them bottles outa the stack," Mose looked up to protest solemnly. "Dick never told me about 'em, neither.

Quahteh of a mile, mebbe. Come on!" But it was nearer half a mile, and the three brisk sprints had told on the colt. Boot him never so hard, it was all Herman could do to keep Zanzibar on even terms with Mose's mount. "You on'y foolin' 'ith me. He kin do betteh than that! We in the stretch now; shake him up!"

That was all write about Dora Moses and Mary Luverin because they was the best girls and always went together, but we dident like it very well about Mose and Nigger, only we thought that so long as Mose's father give the prizes Mose ought to have one. i gess most of the girls must have voted for Nig, because they was mad with Lees Moses. i know what they was mad at too.

That was why he had kept silent; that was why he so vehemently insisted on Mose's innocence. I had found the light at last though the darkness had been almost better. What must I do? I asked myself. Was it my duty to search out Jefferson and convict him of this crime? No one could tell what provocation he may have had. Why not let matters take their course?

Odds stood in Mose's favor as he returned to the corral. He was covered with dust and sweat, but he was confident. He began to speak to the horse in a gentle, firm voice. At times the stallion faced him with head lifted, a singular look in his eyes, as though he meditated leaping upon his captor.

So he pa gwine whop him fo' tellin' a fib 'bout dey ain't no ghosts whin yever'body know dey is ghosts; but de school-teacher, whut board at Unc' Silas Diggs's house, she tek note de hair ob li'l black Mose's head am plumb white, an' she tek note li'l black Mose's face am de color of wood-ash, so she jes retch one arm round dat li'l black boy, an' she jes snuggle him up, an' she say: "Honey lamb, don't you be skeered; ain' nobody gwine hurt you.

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