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"Have you seen Jerry Durand this sunny mo'nin'?" asked Lindsay with surface amiability. "Wot's it to you?" demanded Collins. "Not a thing. Nothin' a-tall," agreed Clay. "But it may be somethin' to you. I'm kinda wonderin' whether I'll have to do to you what I did to him." "Slim" Jim was not a man of his hands.

"This mo'nin'. They tried to keep it quiet, but it leaked out." "Whose money was it?" "Brad Steelman's pay roll and a shipment of gold for the bank." "Any idea who did it?" Steve showed embarrassment. "Why, no, I ain't, if that's what you mean." "Well, anybody else?" "Tha's what I wanta tell you. Two men were in the job. They're whisperin' that Em Crawford was one." "Crawford!

Hutchinson Port was quite ready to carry the message of thanks to the desperado, and to add to it some very hearty thanks of his own. But his good intentions could not be realized; the desperado no longer was on the train. "Yes, sah; I knows the gen'l'm yo' means, sah," responded the porter, in answer to inquiries. "Pow'fl big gen'l'm yo' means, as got on this mo'nin' to Vegas.

Cheri's mother soon cautiously opened it. Quickly and cleverly she dissembled the astonishment she felt at seeing La Folle. "Ah, La Folle! Is it you, so early?" "Oui, madame. I come ax how my po' li'le Cheri do, 's mo'nin'." "He is feeling easier, thank you, La Folle. Dr. Bonfils says it will be nothing serious. He's sleeping now. Will you come back when he awakes?" "Non, madame.

"One night Sis' Becky dremp' her pickaninny wuz dead, en de nex' day she wuz mo'nin' en groanin' all day.

Joy spread over his countenance in waves. When he saw me leaning up against the store, he came right out where I was and said, 'Look hyah, suh; I was pow'ful uncivil to you this mo'nin', suh. I want to beg yo' pa'don. No gentleman has a right to insult another, but I was so infernally mad this mo'nin' when you spoke to me, suh, that I couldn't be civil. That confounded Yankee tune just riled me.

But, after a while, when she had laughed until she was tired, she suddenly rose to her feet, and as she gathered up a handful of wet garments, and began rubbing them on the wash-board, she exclaimed, still chuckling: "Lemme git to my washin', honey, befo' I disgrace my mo'nin'."

He was here to see me this mo'nin'." Clay turned to the mining man, his voice low but incisive. His brain was working clear and fast. "Mr. Whitford, I have a hunch he's going to destroy the evidence that's in my favor. There must be two bullet holes in the partition of the rear room where Collins was killed. See if you can't find those bullet holes and the bullets in the wall behind."

"Why, Tamar," she exclaimed, "what on earth " At this Tamar raised her face and smiled faintly. Then, glancing down at her dress to indicate that she understood, she drawled, demurely: "Ain't nothin' de matter, missy. I jes mo'nin' for Sister Sophy-Sophia." "Sophy-Sophia! You don't mean " "Yas, 'm, I does. I means Pompey's las' wife, Sis' Sophy-Sophia.

"Of co'se, honey," she began, "de fust thing is to wear mo'nin' an' dat ain't no special trouble to me I got consider'ble black frocks lef' over from my widderhoods. An' in addition to dat, I gwine carry it around in my countenance an' ef she sees it an' I b'lieve de dead does see maybe it'll ease her mind.