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Updated: August 11, 2024

"Lemme tell you dis," said the old man, laying down the section of horse-collar he had been plaiting, and looking hard at the little boy "lemme tell you dis der ain't no way fer ter make tattlers en tailb'arers turn out good. No, dey ain't. I bin mixin' up wid fokes now gwine on eighty year, en I ain't seed no tattler come ter no good een'. Dat I ain't.

"I would of and then mebbe we could of got into other circuses that way." "It might of mixed our thoughts, like when I said something when he told me not to," Jerry observed. "What d'you mean, mixin' your thoughts?" Jerry was saved by the entrance of Mr. Burrows from trying to explain just what he did mean by that, for he hadn't understood very well himself.

Mortally wounded by Tybalt, Mercutio says, "No, 'tis not so deep as a well, nor so wide as a church door; but 'tis enough, 'twill serve: ask for me to-morrow, and you shall find me a grave man. I am peppered, I warrant, for this world. A plague o' both your houses! "I never heard," mentioned Broncho, "about any of Dibble's ways of mixin' scrappin' and cipherin'."

"That's right," quavered Roxy. "Burkhalter's boy, he had to go to mixin' in when the Culps and the Venables was feudin'; and look what chanced. Nary one o' them families lost a man; but Burkhalter's boy got hisself killed up. Yes, that's what happened to him. Dead. I went to the funeral." "True as Scriptur'," confirmed Zack "reach an' take off, Pros. Johnnie, eat hearty true as you-all set here.

Efter kirnin' aboot amon' the leaves o' his book for a meenit or twa, Nathan got up his nose to the moo o' the lantern an' read oot "A slice o' a drunkard's liver." "What d'ye say?" says Sandy. "Lat's see't." "A slice o' a drunkard's liver," says Nathan again. Sandy grippit the book, an' efter a meenit, he says, "Ay, man; so you're richt. There's been some mixin' amon' the pictures.

An' it's a God's sure thing when that happens he'll freeze to death in hell. It don't rile me a thing to be told the things he guesses my mother was. Maybe that's a matter of opinion, and, anyway, she's mixin' with a crop of angels who don't figger to have no truck with Scotch machine bosses.

Have some blackberry pie, 'long with yer fowl, Cap'n. 'T ain't every day you can get Pa's cookin'; an' I bleve in mixin' good victuals. It's what Nater does." Billy took everything suggested and ate it indiscriminately, and this example was ably followed by his hosts. "Mark!"

Droop shifted uneasily in his seat and ran his finger around inside of his collar before he replied: "Ye see, it's sorter hard to explain. It's this way. I hev a mighty fine plan in my mind founded on a mixin' up of astronomical considerations with prior inventions " "Mister Droop!" exclaimed his hostess, gazing severely into his eyes, "ef you think I'll let you go to drinkin' rum till "

"I tell the Cap'n he's too old to be climbin' round and mixin' with young folks' frolics," said Mrs. Kittridge. "I suppose, Cap'n Pennel, you've seen that the ways is all right," said Captain Broad, returning to the old subject. "Oh yes, it's all done as well as hands can do it," said Zephaniah.

Excuse me, ma'am, but there's Otto just got loose, and Otto, come over here and take care of this lady who is goin' to let me have Mr. O'Day for half an hour. Thank ye, ma'am, you don't know me, but I'm Kitty Cleary, the expressman's wife, from across the street, and I'm always mixin' in where I don't belong and I know ye'll forgive me. Otto'll charge ye twice the price Mr.

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