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Updated: January 12, 2025
If he's kind to you, why, all will be right, and, for my part, I'll see you want for nothing." "I do believe," said Diana, her eyes sparkling; she turned as she spoke and clasped one of Orion's hands "I do weally b'lieve this is better nor aunt's. Do come 'long, Orion; I always did love circuses."
For my part, I've always been religiously inclined, but I've been to church enough lately to last me the rest of my natural life, and I've fully determined not to darken the doors of another cathedral again. They're like circuses, anyhow; when you've seen one, you've seen 'em all."
Open spaces held tiny circuses abnormal animals and performing goats, and a moon-bear on a ring and strap.
"There's more circuses than his in the world; but I'll have to limber out ever so much before I'm good for much in that line," said the boy, stretching his stout arms and legs with a curious mixture of satisfaction and regret. "You've been living in clover and got fat, you rascal," and his father gave him a poke here and there, as Mr.
'As if, with my head in its present throbbing state, you couldn't go and look at the shells and minerals and things provided for you, instead of circuses! said Mrs. Gradgrind. 'You know, as well as I do, no young people have circus masters, or keep circuses in cabinets, or attend lectures about circuses. What can you possibly want to know of circuses then?
Sue wanted to know. "I don't know, my dear," answered her grandfather. "I hope so." "I hope so, too!" declared Sue. "I like Ben." "He ran as soon as he saw that man," observed Bunker Blue. "Did he ever tell you anything about himself?" asked Mr. Brown. "You were with Ben most of the time, Bunker." "No, sir, he never told me anything about himself. But he seemed to know a lot about circuses.
We Europeans had to use the lady elephant, as being the tamer of the two. On her back there were two little benches with sloping seats on both sides, and not the slightest prop for our backs. The wretched, undergrown youngsters seen in European circuses give no idea of the real size of this noble beast.
Of course I've had giants in my circuses and museums, from the beginning. The public wanted 'em and we had to have 'em. Some of 'em were fakes men on stilts with long pants to cover up their legs, and others were the real, genuine, all-wool-and-a-yard-wide article. But none of them were very big. A shade under eight feet was the limit with me."
He had seen in circuses the terrible urus, brought from wildernesses of the north, against which the most daring bestiarii went with dread, and which yielded only to elephants in size and strength. "Hast thou tried to take such beasts by the horns?" inquired he, with astonishment. "Till the twentieth winter passed over me, I was afraid," answered Ursus; "but after that it happened."
"You were very good to the little feller," was all the man said when she ended her somewhat confused tale, in which she had jumbled the old coach and Miss Celia, dinner-pails and nutting, Sancho and circuses. "'Course we were! He's a nice boy and we are fond of him, and he likes us," said Bab, heartily.
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