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"Yes, Sour-dough's right," she observed. "That Earl just hates the sight of her can't bear to look at her a minute." But she, too, intoned the thing queerly. "He's putting pressure to bear on her," I said. "Pressure!" said the Mixer; and then, "Hum!" very dryly.

I told him when I was in Paris and Europe to look me up the first thing if ever he come here, and he said he sure would. The Judge is some mixer, believe me!" "The 'Judge'!" echoed the Belknap-Jacksons in deep disgust. "You come right down to it I bet a cookie he stays just where I tell him to stay," insisted Cousin Egbert.

Had I not known him too well I should have thought him trying to be deep. I recalled his other phrases, that Mrs. Effie was seeing which way a cat would leap, and that the Klondike person would hand the ladies of the North Side set a lemon squash. I put them all down as childish prattle and said as much to the Mixer later in the day as she had a dish of tea at the Grill.

"Is he a good mixer?" "It is his whole stock in trade. Now that you have called my attention to it, I can see clearly enough that he takes delight in meeting strangers. Why, even when he is off duty, he finds his recreation running around into crowds, meeting new people, getting acquainted with them, making friends with them. I see it all now. He sells goods on the basis of friendship.

At ten o'clock, it being noticed by the three playing dummy bridge that Cousin Egbert and the Mixer were absent, I accompanied our host in search of them. In Cousin Egbert's hut we found them, seated at a bare table, playing at cards a game called seven-upwards, I learned. Cousin Egbert had removed his coat, collar, and cravat, and his sleeves were rolled to his elbows like a navvy's.

A 1:3:6 mixture of concrete was used; it was run from the mixer into dump-cars and deposited in the form through chutes, three of which were provided for each 50-ft. section, the average length. The concrete was mixed wet, and was not rammed; the stone was spaded back from the face, and no facing mixture or facing diaphragms were used.

With all my heart I should wish her a worthy mate of her own class, and I was glad indeed to reflect upon the truth of my assertion to the Mixer, that no unfair advantage would be taken of her. His lordship would remove the Honourable George from her toils, a made monkey, perhaps, but no husband.

Cousin Egbert and the Mixer continued their card game for the trifling stake of a shilling a game, or "two bits," as it is known in the American monetary system. And our host continued his recreation. Each morning I turned him out in the smartest of fishing costumes and each evening I assisted him to change.

Filling the door leading to the outer room, he beheld the cause of his awakening the mayor of Reuton. Mr. Cargan regarded him with the cold steely eye of a Disraeli in action, but when he spoke he opened the jaws of a cocktail mixer. "Well, young fellow," he remarked, "it seems to me it was time you got up and faced the responsibilities of the day.

"Does he doll Sour-dough up like that all the time?" demanded the Mixer, "or has he just come from a masquerade? What's he represent, anyway?" And these words when I had taken especial pains and resorted to all manner of threats to turn him smartly out in the walking-suit of a pioneer! "Maw!" cried our hostess, "do try to forget that dreadful nickname of Egbert's."