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Then she led me to the table, and presented me to the company, naming each to me. The first was a slim and very dainty young gentleman in a scarlet walking-suit, over which he wore a long scarlet mantle. A gold cross was suspended from his neck by a massive chain of gold.

* Vesta Custis, having changed her morning robe for a walking-suit, and slightly rearranged her toilet, and knelt speechless awhile to receive the unknown will of Heaven, came down the stairs at last, in time to catch a glimpse of half-a-dozen servants staring at a strange old hat on the hall rack.

I hope, Miss Susie, you have observed my efforts to do honor to the occasion?" "Oh," cried the girl, "I naturally supposed you were trying to get even in your bargain." "I hope to be about sundown. I'll get into those overalls at once, and I trust you will put on your walking-suit." "Yes, it will be a walking-suit for a short time.

I shall go to seek him now, since he is so much hated for me." She returned to her room, and put on a walking-suit, and made her toilet. In the library Vesta found her father dozing in a large chair, with his feet upon a leather sofa, and a silk handkerchief drawn across his crown, under which were the dry beds of tears that had coursed down his cheeks.

I put my long black military cape, which I could carry over my shoulder, on it, with hat and veil and gloves. Then I went down stairs and shortened the skirt of my best walking-suit, an/d hung it and its jacket handy. I was ready to fly, if I had to, and in case of that emergency nothing to do for myself. I had got all this done systematically when my little French friend I call her Mile.

The new arrival was a lady of singularly striking appearance, beautiful and in the full flush of womanhood, being perhaps thirty years of age. She wore a smart walking-suit that fitted her rounded form perfectly, and a small hat with a single feather was jauntily perched upon her well-set head. Hair and eyes, almost black, contrasted finely with the bloom on her cheeks.

Nelton knocked, and threw open the door without waiting for an answer. "Her ladyship," he announced. Lady Derl entered. She was looking very girlish in a close-fitting, tailored walking-suit. The skirt was short the first short skirt to reach London. Beneath it could be seen her very pretty feet. They walked excitedly. Lady Derl was angry. She held a large card in her hand.

O'Reilly accepted eagerly; then thinking of the girl, he said, doubtfully: "I'm afraid Miss Evans isn't equal to the trip." "Nonsense! I'm equal to anything," Norine declared. And indeed she looked capable enough as she stood there in her short walking-suit and stout boots. Branch alone declined the invitation, vowing that he was too weak to budge.

With an embarrassed little laugh she answered, "I'm half inclined to take you at your word; but it would look so inhospitable." "Bah for looks! The truth, please. By the way, though, you never looked better than in that trim blue walking-suit." "Old outgrown working-suit, you mean. How sincere you are!" "Indeed I am. Well, I'm de trop; that much is plain.

When they returned to the bungalow, a little before noon, he went to his room, shaved himself, and in other ways prepared for dinner. Joanne and the Blacktons were waiting when he came down. His first look at Joanne assured him. She was dressed in a soft gray walking-suit.