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As the weeks passed, the strike in the railroad shops grew bitter and deadly. Billy shook his head and confessed his inability to make head or tail of the troubles that were looming on the labor horizon. "I don't get the hang of it," he told Saxon. "It's a mix-up. It's like a roughhouse with the lights out. Look at us teamsters.

In a mix-up of cattle as occurs at a round-up, a calf sometimes gets separated from its mother so that when caught its identity is uncertain. To avoid making a mistake the calf is only slightly marked, just enough to hurt it a little, and is then turned loose. A calf when it is hurt is very much like a child, in that it cries and wants its mamma.

Willie came out of his trance just in time to catch the final clause of the sentence. "Who ever saw a clean dory in Wilton?" Jan faltered, abashed. "Well, anyhow," he persisted, "in my opinion, clean or not, a straight wholesome smell of cod ain't to be mentioned in the same breath with a mix-up of stale fish an' gasoline." Zenas Henry bridled.

He glanced out of the window and then ran out on the platform. "There's time enough, I guess," he muttered, turning and speaking into the car. "I'm goin' back with him." He disappeared, and Jawn quietly assumed command of the defences. "Don't do any shooting," he said. "It won't help any in this mix-up. These are good to hit with," and he showed a coupling pin he held in his hand.

He wanted, more than anything, to ride into the bunch and single out a Lazy Eight steer, skillfully hazing him down the slope to the cut, as he saw the others do. Bob told him it was the biggest mix-up he had ever seen, and Bob had ridden the range in every State where beef grows wild. He was in the thickest of the huddle, was Bob, working as if he did not know the meaning of fatigue.

But if he's like 'the youth who bore, those same people are foreordained to help him along. They may hate to, worse than blazes, and they may do a lot of cussin' about it, but they have to help the winners and they can't dodge it. It's a natural law, like what keeps the big clock up there going, little wheels and big, and no mix-up." Ray's hand and his pipe were suddenly outlined against the sky.

Uncle Johnny had listened to the story with careful gravity; inwardly he was tortured with the desire to laugh. But he could not affront these girls so seriously bent on keeping unsullied that pure white thing they called honor. "Oh, youth youth!" he thought, loving them the more for their precious earnestness. "And it's such a mix-up, we don't know what to do.

You're liable to have a heluvatime if you butt into my business without an invite. Shack and git that camera." Yeager nodded to his new friend. "Go ahead and get it. We'll be waiting back of the garage." Farrar hesitated, the professional instinct in him awake and active. "If you're dead keen on a mix-up, Harrison, why not come over to the studio where I can get the best light?

But there is something I wish to warn you about, for it concerns us all intimately. We are in danger of an awful mix-up if we don't look out. Mr. Thurston I had almost said my husband, though I don't know whether that is the truth or not who has just come over from New York, tells me that there is some doubt about the validity of our divorce.

"I don't know why they call him Tree Sparrow; he doesn't spend his time in the trees the way Chippy does, but I see him much oftener in low bushes or on the ground. I think Chippy has much more right to the name of Tree Sparrow than Dotty has. Now I think of it, I've heard Dotty called the Winter Chippy." "Gracious, what a mix-up!" exclaimed Johnny Chuck.