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"Slide down the rope!" commanded Mr. Sparling. The lad slowly unwound the rope from his arm and feebly motioned to them that they were to walk around the pole with their end so they might hoist the iron ring to the splice of the center pole. "Never mind anything but yourself!" ordered Mr. Sparling. "We'll attend to this mix-up ourselves."

He remembered a white-tiled butcher shop on upper Broadway, and licked his chops at the recollection. At midday, a hungry tramp, he approached a farmhouse. A big shepherd dog met him. When the fierce mix-up was over, and the shepherd had retreated, Dan carried in his shoulder a long, deep cut. Impelled by the gnawing in his stomach, he limped toward a log cabin.

When such a mix-up occurred the restive audience would yell, "Get yer money ready, Shafto," harking back to similar situations in WWI. Waiting for an audience to arrive an Arab stood with his wares, beautiful green grapes that he sold at 50 fils a pound, about the price of ten good cigarettes.

She told Minnie that I told her that Minnie was an awful tightwad, and Minnie told me Carrie had told her, and of course I told her I hadn't said anything of the kind, and then Carrie found Minnie had told me, and she was simply furious because Minnie had told me, and of course I was just boiling because Carrie had told her I'd told her, and then we all met up at Fulton's his wife is away thank heavens! oh, there's the dandiest floor in his house to dance on and we were all of us simply furious at each other and Oh, I do hate that kind of a mix-up, don't you?

He smiled and once more Magda was aware of the sense of familiarity even with that whimsical, crooked smile. "I see," he replied composedly. "Then you think I ought to have been overwhelmed with delight that your car cannoned into my bus incidentally I barked my shins badly in the general mix-up and that I had to haul you out and bring you round from a faint and so on?"

Now, there isn't a man living that wouldn't have taken it under the circumstances " she spoke with a deliberately cruel emphasis, and Flick's shoulders contracted a little as the dart pricked him "unless it was some mix-up about a woman." "It's about a woman, all right," grimly. "What about her?" Pearl's voice cut the air like the swift, downward stroke of a whip.

"Why, you surely ain' thinkin' of you'-self as a hero? She wasn't really a-drowndin', you pie-biter." He rested his serious glance upon the alkali. "She's not likely to have forgot that mix-up, though. I guess I'll not remind her about grippin' me, and all that. She wasn't the kind a man ought to josh about such things. She had a right clear eye."

All this flashed through his mind in an instant, leaving him confused and uncertain. "I hope not," he managed to say in answer to her query. "But it is rather a strange mix-up all around, and I confess I fail to comprehend its full meaning. It is hardly likely your friends will show up to-night, and by morning perhaps we can decide what is best to do. Let me look around outside a moment."

I think the greatest service any woman can render her kind in this mix-up age is to marry one man and make that marriage work by taking proper scientific care of him and his children." "This is news to me," Dick said. "I thought that you thought that the greatest service a woman could do was to run Outside Inn, and stuff all the derelicts with calories." "That's a service, too." "Sure."

MacDonald were great friends and he was quite intimate at the big gray house so it was no wonder that he wanted to be at Margaret's first party. It was as Ben said "a queer mix-up." The first to arrive were the four children from the Home of the Friendless, three little girls and one little boy. One of the teachers brought them out and remained in order to take them back again.