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"Frank Hodge Merriwell?" echoed Bart, fumbling for Merry's hand and grasping it with an almost savage grip. "You've given him my name?" "We did it both of us together, old man." "Merry, I I don't know what to say," stammered Bartley. "You've completely upset me. It's the greatest honor " "There, there," smiled Frank, "don't splutter and mumble like that, old fellow. You don't have to say a word.

This threat was so awful that the boys glanced at each other, remained silent and got quietly into their places. Then the hampers were put on the floor just under their feet. Presently Cicely and Merry came out to join the group. They were wearing pretty pink muslins, with pink sashes to match. Merry's beautiful dark eyes were very bright. Mr. and Mrs. Tristram inquired for their host and hostess.

"What do you want to say to me in particular, Maggie?" was Merry's response. "This. We shall meet at school on the 20th of September. There will be, as I have told you already, twenty boarders at Aylmer House. You will arrive at the school as strangers; so will Molly and Isabel arrive as strangers; but you will have two friends Aneta Lysle and myself.

But Howard had a feeling that one must not swallow life quite so uncritically, that there ought somehow to be more discrimination; and Miss Merry's eager adoration of everything and everybody reduced him to a flatness which he found it difficult to conceal. He could not think what was the matter with her views.

Then the drawing-master who came from Warwick: he was better than Miss Beverley; but, after all, he taught what Molly and Isabel said was now quite exploded namely, freehand and he only came once a week. Merry's passion was for music more than for drawing; it was Cicely who pleased Mr. Vaughan, the drawing-master, best. Then there was the music-master, Mr.

It was the third out, and Merry's team had not scored. "I'm sorry for you, Mr. Merriwell," laughed Sparkfair, "but we can't afford to let you have this game now. It would be simply awful after getting seven runs in the first inning." "The game is young," reminded Frank. Having escorted the ladies to seats, Gregory Carker deliberately placed himself at the side of Juanita Garcia.

"Is it possible?" cried Alice, "that Maude has never been here?" "It is a lamentable fact." "She won't come now." "I'll fetch her, hand-cuffed, if necessary." Quincy was up early to learn Merry's errand. A request had come from the Governor of Colorado for the extradition of a Pole named Ivan Wolaski, who was accused of being concerned in a dynamite explosion in a Colorado mine.

His silence infuriated Bacon, who yelled hoarsely: "Git out o' this!" "Don't be in a rush, ol' man " Bacon hurled himself upon Lime, who threw out one hand and stopped him, while he said in a low voice: "Stay right where you are, ol' man. I'm dangerous. It's for Merry's sake " The infuriated old man struck at him.

"First blood!" exulted Del Norte. "A scratch," was the retort. But soon that scratch began to prove troublesome, for the flowing blood covered the haft of the knife and made it slippery. This came near proving fatal for the American youth. Again the blades clashed, and, with a twisting movement, the Mexican wrenched Merry's knife from his grasp. The weapon rattled on the rocks ten feet away.

Ward's school, Merry's mode of instruction was very dull. After all, Molly and Isabel, although they would be quite poor girls, had a better time than she and Cicely with all their wealth. "A penny for your thoughts, my love," said her father at that moment, and Merry turned her charming little face towards him.