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The two Hessians looked at each other stupidly, and I asked the question again before Grant saw fit to reply. His manner was excessively insolent. "That is more than I know. We joined after dark, and I did not meet Delavan's officers." "He vas vat you call maype a volunteer leftentant," added one of the Germans brokenly. "At Mount Holly we met, yah, and from there he joined."

"Anything new in the town to-day?" at length said the other soldier. "S'pose something new every tay!" replied John gruffly. "Ay, ay, I dare say; but have you anything new to tell us?" "Maype I have," said John, with a grim smile. "What is it?" "Tat I'll knock your tam thick head against tat wall if you'll pe botter me wi' any more o' your tam nonsense.

I can't to say, except yust live alonk, und see if sometink nice happens maype." Johnnie moved, with a long, dry sob, and very tenderly she leaned down to turn his face toward her. "Ach, poor Chonnie!" she cried. "Come! We will wash him, und makes him all fresh und clean. Und next how do you t'ink? Mrs. Kukor hass for you a big surprises!"

"Maype I did I ton't oxactly remember about him." "I am surprised at your ignorance of natural history, Hans. Yes, the real jibberjacker has ten feet, although a branch of the family, known as the jibbertwister, has only eight feet." "Well, go on. He planked his ten feets by der floor town " "He held on and so did we, and it was a regular tug of war between us.

"Der musig haf no heart for you," he complained. "Maype you vould like a popular song to sing to me. I vill gif you 'Efrybody Vorks Poor Vather. Yes? No?" "Don't yez do it, Hans," entreated Barney. "We have suffered enough already." "Und id vos such a peautiful song!" moaned Dunnerwurst. "I understandt der author uf dot song got only fife hundret dollars for writin' id."

When he got there he ran into a reporter named Fritsch, who worked on a German newspaper. "Dot inventor vos mofed avay," said the German reporter. "Some beoples told me he vos krazy." "Is the house vacant?" asked Larry. "I dink so. Maype ve walk through him, yah?" Larry was willing, and together the pair went into the tenement and upstairs.

But never mind that, put pe giving me the skene-dhu." "What! you are for back to the Highlands! The devil! Have you selt all off before the fair? This beats all for quick markets!" "I have not sold I am not going north maype I will never go north again. Give me pack my dirk, Hugh Morrison, or there will pe words petween us."

"Py Cot," said Duncan, "then I will stay here no longer than to trink this very horn of prandy and water, for it's very possible they will pe in the wood. Donacha's a clever fellow, and maype thinks it pest to sit next the chimley when the lum reeks. He thought naebody would look for him sae near hand!

"Who knocked me der pack ofer annahow?" "Nobody hit you, Hans." "Who put geese grease der groundt on ver I run, hey?" "Nobody." "Well, did I knock der stick town?" "No, you didn't come anywhere near the stick." "Do I got some more trials?" "I think, Mueller, that you had better retire," said Captain Putnam with a smile. "High jumping does not seem to agree with you." "Maype dot's so, captain.

Still there was a doubt in that look it was impossible to mistake. "You ton't know, eh? you ton't know, eh? Maype as he is petter as you ton't know, mine shild. T' man what prings shorrow into mine house; t' man what shays I pees one tief t' mine neighpors dat man he pees no friend of mine."