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I never had the faintest suspicion that there was any wrongfulness in slavery, and I never dreamed of the dreadful fate which broke in a storm of fearful anguish over our devoted heads. Papa used to take us to New Orleans to see the Mardi Gras, and while there we visited the theatres and other places of amusement and interest. At home we had books, papers, and magazines to beguile our time.

That child's face is almost identical, except for color, with my baby of eight or nine at home. I'm afraid I'll see it at night when I go back." On the trees, which carry all the public announcements, appeared a notice of a concert by the local band: Fanfare de Papeete Le public est informé la Fanfare donnera son Concert sur la Place du Gouvernement Mardi Soir a 8 heures. aux Flambeaux!

They spent the better part of the day in seeing the city, now in holiday attire, for it was the last of the Mardi Gras festivities, as Lent was close at hand. That night was a banner one to the two lads, who had never been in a great city before, and especially at a time when the whole population seemed to have given itself up to gaiety.

Sa femme, quoique celebre, est simple et tres aimable; elle m'a dit que quand tu viendrais, elle desirait te connaitre. "Mardi j'ai dine chez le Professeur Seeley, le frere de mon editeur; il a occupe la chaire de Latin a l'Universite de Londres. C'est l'auteur d'Ecce Homo. Macmillan m'ayant donne ce livre, je l'ai trouve tres fort comme style et d'une hardiesse etonnante.

So at many of the masquerade-balls which rage in the winter, particularly during the weeks just preceding Mardi Gras. These are less purely tourist astonishers than the Jardin Mabille. They are largely visited by the fast young men and old beaux and roués of Paris, but these are almost never seen to go upon the floor and dance.

Here did I endeavour to see my pretty woman that I did baiser in las tenebras a little while depuis. So lost my pains. But will another time, and so home and to my office, and then to dinner. After dinner down to the Old Swan, and by the way called at Michell's, and there did see Betty, and that was all, for either she is shy or foolish, and su mardi hath no mind para laiser me see su moher.

Hereupon, the Twice-Blind, who being deaf, heard not what was said, tore his gray hair, and cried, "Alas! alas! my boy; thou wert the merriest man in Mardi, and now thy pranks are over!" But the other proceeded "Mourn not, I say, oh friends of Karhownoo; the dead whom ye deplore is happier than the living; is not his spirit in the aerial isles?"

The calm still brooded; and ere it was gone, all but three gasped; and dead from thirst, were plunged into the sea. The breeze which followed the calm, soon brought them in sight of a low, uninhabited isle; where tarrying many days, they laid in good store of cocoanuts and water, and again embarked. The next land they saw was Mardi; and they landed on the Motoo, still intent on revenge.

I'll make it my special business to personally conduct you through one Mardi Gras, with a special understanding, of course, that you don't print anything in the paper. I'm a vestryman in my church, but since misfortune has come upon our State I have to be careful." Haines searched his brain. He knew of no grave calamity that had happened recently in Mississippi. "Misfortune?" he questioned.

"We were in New Orleans at the Mardi Gras, and I was expected to come into the ring riding Samson not the vicious old lion, but cub that was long after my days of the drum and the red coat, bless you! I was a lion-tamer, now, nearly thirteen years old, if you'll believe me. Well! And what was I saying you keep looking so friendly, you make me forget myself.