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"Very fishy indeed, Capitao," Lourenço echoed. "The man is within call, yet Umanuh says he is not here. And Umanuh wants us to buy the man. What is more, he asks if we will pay more than the other Blackbeard. What other Blackbeard? The man himself has a dark beard, and since we left headquarters Pedro and I have grown black whiskers, too.

Tim lowered the gun as Pedro, grinning, came out of his concealment. "That is the tree of the Raposa," Lourenço went on. "The lightning flashing in from above showed us the man. But now, senhores, I think we must tramp the bush for some time before we find that Raposa again. There is no trace of him here." "Hm!" said Knowlton. Striding to the hollow tree, he peered about inside it.

A chief so wise can easily find him where others would see only water and mud." "If he could be found what would the great Blackbeard leader do with him?" Lourenço thought swiftly. To say the Raposa was McKay's friend would do little good. Friendship meant nothing to this unfeeling brute. Therefore the bushman insinuated something which his cruel mind could comprehend.

Say, feller, there's many a dog that's took better care of than some of our boys back home!" "So I thought. The income from a couple of millions, along with some of the principal, will do a lot of good if used right. And " His eyes turned to the three bushmen. "Do not look at us in that way," said Lourenço, reading his thought.

While Knowlton was giving his ripped arm a final dressing he had calmly announced his intention of joining the expedition into the Red Bone country, and it had taken some skillful argument by Lourenço to dissuade him without arousing his anger.

In South America concealing coloration plays no more part in the lives of the adult deer, the tamandua, the tapir, the peccary, the jaguar, and the puma than it plays in Africa in the lives of such animals as the zebra, the sable antelope, the wildebeeste, the lion, and the hunting hyena. Next day we spent ascending the Sao Lourenco.

Of course 'Velascus' is not Grão Vasco, though the name is the same, nor can he be Christovão de Figueredo, but perhaps the painting spoken of by Gregorio Lourenço as done by Christovão may only have been of the framing and not necessarily of the panels. These are gone, but there are still left the royal tombs, the choir stalls, the pulpit, and three beautiful carved altar-pieces in the cloister.

His eyes rested again on McKay, went to the bandaged arm of Yuara, dropped to his knife the first steel knife ever owned by him or any man of the Suba tribe and rose again to the black-bearded captain. Abruptly then he spoke out. Lourenço stared in blank astonishment. After a puzzled moment he shook his head as if unable to believe he had heard aright. Suba, scowling, repeated what he had said.

Lourenço studied his partner a moment, then nodded slowly. But McKay interposed decided objection. "Too dangerous. Also unnecessary. We'll get Rand if the man is Rand through the chief. Your night spying might ruin everything and get you killed into the bargain. Nothing to gain and all to lose. Stay here." Pedro's eyes hardened. But it was Lourenço who answered.

Then Lourenço remarked: "Between Schmidt and Schwandorf you have suffered much. It is possible that there was a connection of some sort between them. But neither can ever trouble you again. I do not see why Schwandorf took the trouble even to put you among the Red Bones. One more bullet would have ended you." "Any ideas on that subject, José?" asked McKay. "Only a guess, Capitan.