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Updated: August 9, 2024

On y retrouve, avec la mesure qui etait un des caracteres de cet esprit bien pondere, la trace des theories qui prevalaient alors dans l'Allemagne meridionale. 'A d'autres points de vue ce long sejour a l'etranger lui avait laisse des traces plus profondes encore. Il en avait rapporte une sorte de cosmopolitisme eclaire, tempere, entretenu par ses nombreuses relations.

A woman more beautiful than gifted was far more likely to be gratified by a compliment to her intellect than to her personal charms, as Madame de Staël was more delighted at an allusion to the beauty of her neck and arms than to the merits of "L'Allemagne" or "Corinne."

"Talma ne faisoit pas un geste, quelquefois seulement il remuoit la tête pour questioner la terre et le ciel sur ce que c'est que la mort! Immobile, la dignité de la meditation absorboit tout son etre." De l'Allemagne, 1. c.

La France en son beau temps a eu la sienne, qui ne ressemble ni a celle de l'Allemagne ni a celle de ses autres voisins un peu plus superficielle, dira-t-on je ne le crois pas: mais plus vive, moins chargee d'erudition, moins theorique et systematique, plus confiante au sentiment immediat du gout.

The road from Paris, past Senlis, to Compiègne, was even more thrilling than the road to Nancy and beyond, for this was the way the Germans took in September, 1914, when they thought the capital was theirs to have and hold: "la route de l'Allemagne" it used to be called, but never will French lips give it that name again.

Aujourd'hui, et malgre toutes les paroles contraires, il me parait probable que ces causes de guerre prevaudront sur la moderation naturelle, sur le gout du repos voluptueux, sur l'avis des conseillers officiels, et sur le sentiment evident du public. Que fera l'Allemagne? Le tiendra-t-elle unie? La est la question. L'Angleterre y peut certainement beaucoup.

What is the book which, of all Genevese literature, I would soonest have written? Perhaps that of Madame Necker de Saussure, or Madame de Stael's "L'Allemagne." To a Genevese, moral philosophy is still the most congenial and remunerative of studies. Intellectual seriousness is what suits us least ill. History, politics, economical science, education, practical philosophy these are our subjects.

He wrote also a great number of letters, between 60 and 70 elaborate reviews, and some critical essays, the best of which seems to be his commentary to Madame de Staël's De l'Allemagne, while he translated from Anacreon, Dante, Guarini, Horace, Ovid, Petrarch, Vergil, and others, and left a number of fragments including the outline of a pretentious novel of which Heinrich von Veldeke, whom he looked upon as "der Heilige des Enthusiasmus," was to be the hero.

Swiftly he worked out the rest of the cipher, setting down the letters of the translation without regard to words. "Averti" was evident because it was the first word. At the end, he had this result: There was not the least doubt as to it being in French the last three words, as well as the first, proved it; also that he had the correct key-word. It only remained now to separate the result into words. And this puzzle presented no difficulties to Carpenter; he quickly marshalled it into form: "Averti que l'Allemagne a engagé un officier

Monsieur Haugoult had to tell us all about Madame de Stael; that evening she seemed to me ten feet high; I saw at a later time the picture of Corinne, in which Gerard represents her as so tall and handsome; and, alas! the woman painted by my imagination so far transcended this, that the real Madame de Stael fell at once in my estimation, even after I read her book of really masculine power, De l'Allemagne.

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